The Star of Bethlehem

incarnation of a refined soul, a MEDIUM of global importance. And GOD’S LOVE came down to Earth to you. • The resurrection of the LORD is the most important event for Spiritualism and therefore the most important celebration; it infers that the “dead” are alive. Not all the “dead” can resurrect the way CHRIST demonstrated, but all of them will experience the wonderful resurrection immediately after exiting their physical bodies. The world of the hereafter is deeply distressed about the fact that the DOCTRINES given to you are kept from you by the Christina Churches and that the facts have been obfuscated through forceful changes. The resurrection of man ended up completely in the background and the “sleeping-soul dogma” is an aberration, something CHRIST and all of his MESSENGERS of LIGHT refute. CHRIST resurrected from the grave after three days. He could do this because he had dominion over his body to an even higher degree than a Yogi. He overcame his physical death and his spirit triumphed over physical matter. Well, a mere mortal is certainly not so spiritually advanced that he can become master over matter. But life created by GOD is indelible and it doesn’t take a period of three days to experience to resurrection of the spirit. CHRIST also didn’t sleep during these three days. On the contrary – he was extraordinarily active in spirit. It correctly states: “Descended down into hell”. CHRIST immediately visited LUCIGER’S SPHERE after his astral exit in order to perform his WORK of SALVATION. A host of ANGELS and MESSENGERS of LIGHT followed him and they brought the divine LIGHT to this unimaginable darkness. Theology hardly has an inkling about the infinitely great WORK of LOVE CHRIST performed in this darkness. As from the day of his “descend down to hell”, every human being on Earth has his divine SUPPORT. • The great deed of salvation by the redeemer mainly consists of the wonderful organisation of GUARDIAN ANGELS CHRIST arranged, so that all human children have his divine protection from the day they are born. Easter is a great festival of joy and the heavenly HOST make music in honour of the almighty CREATOR. Those that really love CHRIST should distance themselves from the “sleeping-soul dogma”, because something like this doesn’t exist! An ill soul can indeed fall into a deep sleep for a time, but never until the “Day of Judgment” that is supposed to exist at an undetermined distance of time. • A “Day of Judgment” exists for every human being living on Earth and it is a day of the divine court of law. This day is the hour of everyone’s return to the realm of spirit. There is however also a “Day of Judgment” in the realm of spirit, but nobody knows when that day comes. This day is also a day of judgment. It is the day when LUCIFER has gambled away his last POWER and lies at the feet of the CREATOR and all those that did not want to separate from him also. Therefore, listen well! Mankind’s level of development on this Earth has always be different in all nations and there were things that one couldn’t explain, because they couldn’t be comprehended. The progress of technology and the sciences does not stop and this is the reason why the capability to comprehend accordingly changes for those living at specific times. What would the people in the old days have believed and comprehended if CHRIST had told them that a lot of other planets are also inhabited? – But you on the other hand know far more about the presence of PLANETARY SIBLINGS that control the universe with their heavenly ships. When CHRIST died on the Cross, his death was also pushed into the light of unforgettable “miracles” with the help of spaceships, because these spaceships have been endowed by GOD with unimaginable powers. See the lore of Lucas: “…and the sun lost its shine and the curtains of the temple were rent asunder.” – Matthew: “And the earth shook and the rocks split apart and the graves opened up.”