The Star of Bethlehem

falsified, neglected and buried under the rubble of religious beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, myths and fables. • CHRIST and GOD were and are therefore ONE in regards to their LOVE for all of creation. CHRIST is therefore an absolute REPRESENTATIVE of GOD, but not GOD himself. The “second death” CHRIST talked about is reincarnation. This dying also takes place in the hereafter. But reincarnation is almost abrogated once people have developed satisfactorily. There is a second death, but also a third, fourth and more. Death is actually just a switching over from one form of existence into another, from a physical to a spiritual EXISTENCE; what you call “demise” or passing from a spiritual LIFE to a physical life. Ergo, a reincarnation. You must however be aware that time in the hereafter is inconsequential. The death CHRIST talked about is the spiritual death, that is to say, the atrophy of faith followed by mental derangement. He was not talking about the switching from one form of existence to another. Spiritual death can for instance be the extinguishment of the personality, the absolute serfdom under the ANTAGONIST. A lot of people experience this second death on a daily basis! But this second death can actually also be reversed if a spark of insight remains. • The coming MESSIAH will have a completely different form, respectively look completely different from the MESSIAH who died on the Cross, The MESSIAH that I am talking about will come in a fiery cloud. You know what that means. The time will soon be here. It isn’t about CHRIST’S death, but about his visible resurrection. No human being can learn from HIS death, but only from HIS resurrection. Every human being living on Earth will experience the same miracle, not on an unspecified Day of Judgment, but immediately after their disembodiment. The resurrection of human beings after their disembodiment is a Law of Nature that applies to all human races throughout the cosmos. One should celebrate this insight! Resurrection has nothing to do with “Judgement Day”, but with the last day of people’s life on Earth. – CHRIST was indeed collected by an extraterrestrial flying object and the people believed in those days that GOD had collected him with a heavenly vehicle. • Christ was procreated the way Moses was procreated. There is no difference there. • The blood he shed has no meaning whatsoever for mankind. • The salvation of people only happens after many reincarnations. Every human being must spiritually grow. People must atone for their sins. CHRIST said: “ You will not get out of there until you have paid the last penny” This is correct! But he is a REDEEMER just the same, because he showed us the way to salvation. The most important thing is that CHRIST appears before GOD and that he speaks on behalf of terrestrial mankind. Here is an individual being that you can point to and say: “See what is possible if the POWER of the SPIRIT finds its full and ample expression!” He represents the prime example that can be achieved by all the dying. • The Nazarene is still the highest that we know in our world. Your major Churches prevent you from hearing the TRUTH as best as they can. The expression: “For they do not know what they do” applies to them. The religions contentions here on Earth are a blasphemy! Ignorance enshrouds people in spiritual darkness. Moses and CHRIST rate first amongst all the prophets that have walked on this globe. Both of them had the full support for giving instructions through their extraterrestrial and supernatural contacts. – This is one of the most important revelations of our time. The birth of CHRIST was indeed a divine CONSIGNMENT. This MISSION was known by a group of chosen ones from another planet, namely the SANTINER who are in GOD’S SERVICE. They hover over the MESSIAH’S place of birth in one of their spaceships. It was therefore not a star, but an orange coloured flying object. This flying object landed in a field where the shepherds grazed their sheep. It states: “The clarity of God was with them”. These CHERUBS proclaimed the birth of the most important TEACHER from the WORLD of SPIRIT to the shepherds, the