- 23 - I replied that I knew nothing about this. I also didn’t think that this was likely, because the Church stood somewhat raised and there was no room around the Church for gravesites. He said “Ask the oldest people in your parish, they might be able to give you some information about this.” He then turned with closed eyes towards the organ stage with the words: “You know that I usually do not give advice in purely physical affairs. But I would like to make an exception today. You purchased the organ. Tell your organist to push the registers all the way back into the organ every time he plays it. The three registers are presently still half way pulled out. This allows dust and moisture to settle in the organ pipes and this will impair the purity of the sound over time. A pure and beautifully played organ does contribute to adorn the church service and through this, add to God’s glory. This is why I am saying this to you.” Image 6 and 7: Left, the organ stage with closed doors. Right, open keyboard of the organ at the Church in Kell on the 26th of June 1969. Some of the registers are pulled out. Image 6 and 7: Left, the organ stage with closed doors. Right, open keyboard of the organ at the Church in Kell on the 26th of June 1969. Some of the registers are pulled out. The keyboard of the organ was locked so that neither keys nor registers could be seen, even if one had stood in front of it. Particularly not from in front of the alter that we stood in front of. Even if the organ had been open, we still couldn’t have seen anything from that distance. The key to the organ hung in the vestry cupboard. We then went to the side altar. The altar depicts the death of the Holy Joseph. Jesus and Mary stand next to his death bed. He said “This depiction is incorrect, because Jesus wasn’t present when Joseph died.” Image 8: The Church in Kell. Right, the pulpit and the side altar that depicts the death of the Holy Joseph.