Confession and spiritual Legacy of the Aviation Pioneer Dr. Ing. h.c. Igo Etrich

-20 - Space travel with ray-ships and UFO’s The word “UFO”, it’s an abbreviation for Unknown Flying Objects, is unjustly used these days, because there is not one government on this Earth that does not know about these flying objects. In spite of the fact that all statemen endeavoured for years to wear the cloak of disinterest for such “hallucinations”, it could not remain hidden for too long that many nations work feverishly, but under the strictest discretion, to explore these objects sighted by innumerable people. Even the Pentagon established its own research department that tested and recorded all sightings of these object with accurate scientific and criminalistic means. I soon recognised that one was not dealing with utopia here, but a serious reality, one that was of special interest to me as an aviation pioneer. I assiduously studied all relevant literature and it soon became obvious to me that the silence or the derogatory assessment by the world’s press was based on it, namely • That influential and wealthy organisations are interested in upholding the present, irresponsible conditions here on our Earth. And that such conditions no longer exist on the other planets in other solar system, because there are no wars, and therefore no armaments there to financially drain nations. As from 1947, particularly great numbers of UFO’s were constantly being observed near Earth and the air-forces of a lot of countries constantly collected statistics and protocols about them, something Major Keyhoe, who directed such a central office in the USA, confirmed. But the world’s press ridiculed or concealed this in spite of it. One even went as far as to addle the great number of people who had observed them with their own eyes¸ by trying to tell them that they were subject to a mass-suggestion. • But the truth cannot be suppressed for ever and private research centres and technical publications from most countries made sure that these facts became known. The American Ministry of Defence not only balked with all available means right to the last moment to deny the existence of these objects and its burning interest in them, but they also tried with all available means to make these people unsure and doubtful through their persistent denials. It must have cost the Pentagon some effort to succumb to the pressures of reality to now have to admit, that planetarians are trying to land on Earth in order to make contact with authoritative government circles. Will the Pentagon also have to courage to admit that these spaceships are controlled by highly intelligent living human beings with the most peaceful intentions and that they have observed this Earth for many years in order to prevent a calamity of enormous proportions? - Not because of us, but mainly because of themselves, because the destruction of our Earth through nuclear energy would trigger a catastrophe throughout the solar system. The sudden collapse of our Earth in our solar system would not only change the orbits of the other planets due to the loss of mass-attraction of our Earth and thereby its whole biological development, but it could also constitute a danger for their own destruction through collisions from the parts from a shattered Earth that are flung out of orbit. • It would constitute an incalculable step forward if he Pentagon would also admit that extraterrestrial messages are being received from space that are undoubtedly genuine and to be taken seriously.