The Delpasse-Effect

- 50 - 7. Conclusions in regards to new types of information transference Even though the present experimental results, undertaken whilst applying the strictest yardsticks, cannot be regarded as completely secured, they result in remarkable indicators of development possibilities derived from them. Furthermore, basic conditions can be created that can serve as the basics for future experimental and theoretical test programs. We are undoubtedly dealing with an electro-magnetic effect that effects changes within physical matter. But these changes are present for a lengthy period of time in an accumulated form and they can be accompanied by dynamic effects. Nothing can be said about the nature of these dynamic effects at this point in time. It was initially tried to explain these dynamic effects as torques that were produced through a spinflip process (change of the angular moment impulse) - ergo during the core-spin resonance. The validity of this hypothesis would produce a spin orientation in the probe through the introduction of high frequency energy and if the corresponding resonance frequency was present, build up during a corresponding relaxation period of 1 to 2 hours would ensue and due to the angular momentum change of the torque, exert dynamic effects on the probe. Estimates however show that this hypothesis, for various reasons not listed here, leads to contradictions and could possibly not be applied to the case in point. What has been established is that the torsion scale serves as the detector of some processes that can be triggered with almost laughably slight high frequency energies. Specifically, the possibility to achieve effects with extraordinarily slight high frequency energies, is of the greatest importance. The appearance of dynamic effects when external sources of interference are present at a relatively far distance from the test arrangement, show how delicate this arrangement reacts to such high frequency influences. The appearance of dynamic effects also ascertained when test personal were present in the room, could possibly be explained through the extremely weak high frequency field that living beings produce. This required high frequency constant could lead to the conclusion that the resonance processes in the probe can work under very slight half-value levels (something that is also the case with corespin resonance and dipole-dipole resonance in fluids and gases, where half-value levels of a few hertz are certainly realisable). This leads to the conclusion that due to this slight half-value level, a possibility exists on the one hand to achieve effects with extremely slight high frequency energies, if the frequency can be kept at a constant level to a sufficient degree. A lower limit for the required high frequency energy is on the other hand given if the introduced high frequency energy reaches the order of magnitude of the frequency interval of the half-value levels of the omitted part of the thermal noise performance. With half-value levels of a few hertz, the output is around 10e - 20 watts. Even though dynamic effects cannot be explained, these considerations do give indicators about why the utilised experimental arrangements for detecting external electro-magnetic interfering influences can react so sensitively. The power flux density of a sender with a 1 Watt capacity at a distance of 10e5 km = 10e-21 Watt/cm2, so that the signal sources can be effective at an extraordinary great distance under these circumstances. The possibilities that can arise for the transference of information are immediately apparent and require no further intimations.