The Delpasse-Effect

- 49 - 6. Conclusions in regards to dynamic effects Even though the presently verified forces have not yet achieved the magnitude of the forces of electrical power units, the existence of such, up to now unknown effects of force, one still has to find a meaningful accordance with the axioms of mechanics, give cause for further investigations - also in regards to new and very unconventional propulsion systems. One could for instance observe effects of force of 5 and 10 dyn over a period of 2 hours, with probes that were exposed to a high frequency field of 120 s within the flow of energy of around 1 milliwatt. This corresponds to a capacity of 3,6*10e4 respectively 7,2*10e4 s or in regards to the supply current, received a capacity impulse of: This value surpasses the one’s of conventional propulsion methods by a number of powers of ten (Image 7). Image 7: Chart of specific impulses for various propulsion methods. This fact offers enough reason to further investigate this phenomenon. One must naturally try to answer the question of, to what degree can this phenomenon be equated with known physical effects. A careful analysis of all possibilities does however show that no physical effect is known to this day, that could be utilised to explain this phenomenon. One initially tried to explain these dynamic effects on hand of torques that were produced through spin-flip processes (change of the torsion impulse) - for instance through core-spin resonance, respectively dipole-dipole resonance. If this hypothesis has validity, the introduction of high frequency energy would produce a spin-orientation in the presence of the corresponding resonance frequencies in the probe and coupled with the corresponding relaxation period, would exert torques and dynamic effects on the probe due to the angular momentum change. But the detailed examination of the effects showed that there are forces and not torques present. The deflection of the torsion scale is actually dependent on the position of the probe on the torsion scale, something that clearly verifies the presence of forces.