Life after physical death

- 22 - Once freed from our terrestrial limitations and our adherence to terrestrial ideas, we can move around our world at our discretion or glide over the Earth. Our method of locomotion is so bodacious and of such an enormous velocity that we almost succeed with being in two places at the same time. We also become clearly conscious of the level of Love that we feel for one another here. It is more clearly felt here than on Earth, well, actually almost visible and this glorious feeling is the actual cause for the brightness and clarity, the beauty and the brilliance of this world. I don’t mean that love radiates rays of light here, but the atmosphere is infused with it, so bright, invigorating and live-giving. Life here is really a very grandiose, keen and happy state for all of those that bestirred themselves to live a decent and progressive life on Earth. The unreasonable, underdeveloped or malicious however only find distress, affliction and worries. There is indeed a deeper wisdom in the Bible’s saying: ‘As you sow, you shall reap.’” With his last words, William Stead already indicates that there are other regions in the world of the hereafter wherein the life of its inhabitants is far from being as pleasant as it was the case with him. Due to my participation at psychic experiments, I can tell you the following about this: In a circle of eight to ten people, it meets on a regular basis every seven days or at the latest every 14 days, there are always two psychically gifted people present. There were initially three. The psychic ability is expressed in the flow of psychic speaking in a semi-trance state. The mediums’ consciousness is pushed aside, but they can still grasp the essential content of what they are saying. Once the state of semi-trance has begun, they are no longer able to willingly control their voice. They are also not able to shake off the spirit entity by themselves, after it has taken possession of their body. They are sometimes seized by an uninvited spirit being against their will. Their intonation and idiom in this semi-trance, as is generally the case, is usually their normal speech. The aim of the circle was not to make contact with specific people or deceased relatives, ergo not quote the deceased. The aim was and is generally to find out things about the conditions in another world and to enlighten the deceased about their condition, because most of them roam ignorantly around in an intermediate region. They should be religiously advised and encouraged to join God’s realm and to endeavour to gain an inner and external advancement for themselves. I would like to tell you here about four incidents amongst the plethora of similar “cases”, specifically because the experience of death and the first after-death experiences play a role in them. Some of the conversations that took place stretched over more than one hour. They were recorded on tape, but I abridged them here for this purpose. Incident 1, 5th of April 1976. Present: 10 people, amongst them the psychically gifted Mrs. A. (born 1948, Teacher) and Mr. B. (born 1938, Engineer). A spirit entered Mrs. A. and when questioned, answered that he has come here today to once again hear music. He had heard music by Mozart when he was here the last time and he expressed his great disappointment to find that no record player and no records could be seen. He wants to immediately leave again and emphasised that he does not want anything to do with anyone and that he had always been left in peace up to now. We engaged him in conversation in spite of this and he told us that he had died in 1915 in Magdeburg aged 15. He had always loved music very much and had played the violin, the piano and the clarinet. It had been his wish to go to college and to become a musician. But his parents had kept that fact that he was very ill and that he had anaemia from him. He was a protestant and had already been confirmed. His parents had sat at his bedside when he died and the doctor had also turned up one more time. He reports: “Other beings were also present, but I couldn’t understand them. I understood nothing at all. The room was full and I was filled with fear and anxiety. I didn’t know any of the others that were present. It was so strange. They were at times above me and at times at my side. I had no explanation