Life after physical death

- 21 - The concept of a clearing house seems to be the most appropriate and it describes a sphere that is introduced as an intermediate station between the Earth and the world of the hereafter. The moment a new arrival has adapted to the new living conditions and regained his inner health, he will proceed to a world that can be called the real home for souls. Their stay there is most of the time of incomparably longer duration than life on Earth. We can however return to the Blue Island at any time and we do indeed do so when the time comes to welcome arriving friends and former partners in order to help them deal with their new situation. These are however always only short visits and we will never return to live there permanently. Completely different methods of transport are used in the hereafter that the ones you are familiar with on Earth. A whole series of beings are constantly on their way between the Blue Island and other spheres. As the maturing process is of different duration for each individual, I found that completely different beings from the ones I had arrived with here, were now endeavouring to leave the Island with me. The journey itself was in the same sensational fashion as my first one: A lightning-fast flying or gliding through the aether. After the wonderful blue colouration of the landscape of the Blue Island, the new region we ‘landed in’ seemed rather less colourful. Besides, the people here seemed to be fully occupied with their respective tasks. It felt as if we had returned to the region of Earth. After our arrival, I was particularly attracted to some of the regions of this land because they had a very striking resemblance to the landscape that I had lived in on Earth. Others confirmed this observation for me. They also felt that they had returned to their terrestrial homeland. In line with our terrestrial standard of living, we are automatically assigned to a group of people that we harmonise with and that we fit to in every way. Therein lies a considerable difference to the conditions on Earth which represents a constant battlefield of one being against another, designed to consolidate our characters. The sphere of existence I now find myself in is the one that most people will enter after their demise. Within the group of soul-mates we now belong to, we pursue common interests, we devote our time to personal affairs and we gradually free ourselves from the residue of terrestrial habits that still cling to us, because they stand in the way of our further progress. We foster lively personal contacts, dispose over a comfortable home and attentively share the interests of our fellow human beings. According to our wishes, we live together in groups or families in houses whilst others live in villastyle buildings on the edge of an open rolling countryside. To see how people now live in palaces after they had lived a very hard life in poverty is an almost odd experience. It conforms with their idea of a paradisical life in heaven and it is allocated to them as a reward for all the hardship and suffering they endured on Earth. The silent enduring of terrestrial injustices is actually acknowledged as special inner progress, because rage and exasperation are Satan’s special glossy methods for capturing souls. The aforementioned can devote their life to further progress here in this happy environment and in the meanwhile enjoy the things that were denied them on Earth. But if they remain standing still spiritually because of their perfect contentment and no longer endeavour to progress further, they must once again leave their castles and be integrated into a different environment. Everyone must constantly qualify and endeavour to spiritually develop, and they must help the less developed. Before our final arrival in this sphere, we will have already discarded all hankering for food and drink. We are pure spirit, even though we still require a certain finishing touch or a refinement during this lengthy phase in our life. Buildings for wisdom, music, rest and scientific research, to put it briefly, for all kinds of indoctrinations and acquiring knowledge, exist here also. The ‘admission fee’ to all of these institutions is nothing but a deep desire to learn more. But we do not lead a life of constant cramming in of knowledge in spite of this. We live in a constant state of glowing interest in anything new that helps us to progress spiritually. Besides, we live under a very pronounced social order, one that is bereft of all terrestrial class distinctions. Absolute freedom of thought and freed to exchange thoughts reigns here.