The Star of Bethlehem

INFORMATION PROCESS and in particular the ABSORBTION of INFORMATION. Orthodox science shows no interest in spiritual facts, because it will not acknowledge anything that it cannot measure or weigh. Psychic’s research documentation tells us that every atom possesses a vegetative micro-consciousness. Experience flows into this “consciousness”. The behaviour of the atom is also controlled by this microconsciousness, roughly the way the heartbeat is controlled by the brain. But because we show so little interest in the spiritual, we are constantly confronted with new riddles. However, these riddles could be instantly solved, if one would finally get off one’s high horse and acknowledge the SOURCE of ALL BEING! But one is actually even ashamed of saying the word “GOD”, one prefers a riddle, one prefers an “X”. I am absolutely convinced that in spite of all the scientific considerations and insights into nature, people will never be able to avoid the fact that they will have to give account of their life here on Earth after their demise. But this fact does not sit well with neither my colleagues, politicians and specifically not with most theologians. A popular opinion holds that the human soul is “a product of the parents”. The soul would therefore have to be a new creation. If this theory was correct it could not make an exception with identical twins. The soul would also have to divide in the same way that the ovum does. We have one of the many pieces of evidence here that tell us that the soul is something individual, something that is incarnated into a physical body. B : A remarkable conclusion, my dear colleague. One should actually promote research in this direction. If the results should prove to be conclusive, a lot of things on Earth could change. I know that the INFORMATION plays an important role in biology. No cell thrives without it. It is akin to the way my computer works; the results will be useless if I program it incorrectly. G : An excellent comparison! But that’s not all. – The PROGRAMMING by the CREATOR is therefore incredibly comprehensive according to psychic reports. This type of PROGRAMMING cannot be found in physical matter. It comes from the cosmos in a spiritual FORM and it has an effect on physical matter. Not a single wound would heal if this INFORMATION didn’t exist. – Every sensible human being has to admit that such ingenious INFORMATION cannot develop of its own volition. Matter didn’t create itself in order to be ingenious. Ingenuity is a characteristic of the spirit! B : Yes indeed! – Do go on. G : INFORMATION is the key to the WORLD of SPIRIT, those regions where intelligence resides and intelligence stands “sky high” above matter. The spirit is eternal, but matter constantly changes. Intelligence is a non-physical PROCESS, outside of physical matter and it is only connected to it. The human consciousness also lies within the cosmos and certainly not in physical matter. Consciousness belongs to the soul and not the physical body. Our physical body only represents a kind of receiver of consciousness. B : Slowly, slowly, dear colleague. – People’s thoughts are created within their brain and the brain is the seat of their consciousness. Do you really want to question this? G : Absolutely! To think that our thought processes take place in the brain is factually wrong! Next to other experts, this opinion is also shared by the Australian psychologist Sir John Eccles, who as you know, discovered the importance of ion currents for the transfer of impulses between the synapses of the central nervous system and for which he, Hodgkin and Huxley received the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1963. – There is no need for one’s consciousness with all its memories to extricate itself from the body when death, ergo the exodus takes place. All that takes place is a separation from the physical body, ergo from matter. The actual exodus is carried out by the astral body. No changes take place within one’s consciousness. It remains where it has always been. Death is therefore not as problematic as one assumed and still assumes in non-informed circles. As you know, I myself have been one tiny step away from the final departure from this plane of existence. Believe me, these people have no idea about what they are talking about! Physical death is extraordinarily simple. It is the deactivation of a function, namely the one that separates the spirit from the body. I have experienced it myself! The physical body is completely on its own the moment it happens and solely exists of matter that is exclusively subject to the laws of matter. At that very moment, the human spirit is however also free and it is then only subject to the LAWS of the SPIRIT. I am thoroughly convinced that researching INFORMATION is the key to the mystery GOD represents. Every cell is subject to this divine INFORMATION, it is guided by it and forms according to it. You are aware my dear colleague that the human body constantly changes its cells, by discarding old ones and developing new ones. The complete exchange of all the cells of the body takes about 7 years. INFORMATION on the other hand is