The Star of Bethlehem

us do not live intensively enough. – And look here, the Star of Bethlehem! The string attached to it can be hardly seen… - but a star without points? – Astonishing! – It looks like a disk, almost like an unidentified flying saucer. G : Well now, with or without wine, you are always on the ball, aren’t you? B : You are going too far. This must be a joke, surely. Unidentified flying saucers 2’000 years ago? I beg of you! – Considering the facts, I do have to concede that a star doesn’t simply leave its orbit the way the Bible describes it. This is strange indeed. You already know that astronomy and questions about extraterrestrial life are my special hobby. I am sure one can tell. G : Now that we started on the subject, let us go back one step further. Consider the handing over of the clay tablets with the TEN COMMANDMENTS to Moses. Read this passage in the Old Testament and compare the external circumstances of that time with our modern state of knowledge, also in regards to so-called Ufology. The leader of the Moscow School for Cosmonauts, Professor Felix Ziegel, a man who has brought up under the tenets of dialectic materialism, explained to a group of international journalists: “After having conducted research for over 20 years I have come to the conclusion that UFOs are probes from other planets. They obviously want to reconnoitre our Terra .” – What is also interesting is that the Church councillor Dr. Hutten who passed away in 1979, lend flying saucers a religious accent. Hutten was an openminded and courageous man, he looked beyond the horizon of his fellow ministers and he had a sense and a feeling for the wideness of the cosmos. Maybe inspired or maybe psychic sources. Who knows? But not only that – now don’t fall of you chair my friend – but the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah happened by orders of the INFORMER according to my information, the great PLANNER and CREATOR the Churches call “GOD”. This COMMAND was carried out by the crews of unidentified flying objects, by so-called CHERUBS, HIS ‘Heavenly Hosts”. HIGHER COMMANDS also made these CHERUBS part the water of the Red Sea so the Israelites could get across. B : So-called CHERUBS are therefore the right hand of the INFORMER and CREATOR? G : As far as we know from psychic research reports, yes. Everything actually fits together. The operational ranges of CHERUMS does however only lie within the physical part of creation. They are indeed on intimate telepathic terms with the WORLD of SPIRIT, but this REALM has its own LAWS. B : Only a little wine up to now, but so much fantasy! To be burned at the stake would surely have been you fate in those days, my dear fellow! – Besides, since when do you read the Bible? – And this at a time filled with space travel and micro-electronics! G : Please remember the words by Max Planck who said that the spirit is primal reason of all matter. Not visible and transient matter represents the real, the actual, but the invisible, immortal spirit. – All matter develops and consists of one energy only, the one that makes nuclear particles oscillate and keeps them together in the form of the tiniest “solar systems”. When one sees through the relationship between spirit, energy and matter, an excessive demand on one’s consciousness no longer exists, namely to comprehend that entities could be living on other planets that could be ahead of us terrestrial human in their technical development by 10’000 years or more. Such entities might be able to control matter via their spirit; they might also be able to materialise and dematerialise their means of transport. Time and distance then only play a subordinate role. B : Well yes, I do admit that mankind has moved closer to space during the last decades and that it has also matured in regards to cosmic processes. G : There – and so we get closer to the truth. What happened in the presence of Moses on Mount Sinai? – Who handed over the seven Commandments and the seven demands? – Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? – Who flew ahead of the Israelites in the desert, provided them with manna and parted the waters of the Red Sea? – What was the Star of Bethlehem and what was its meaning? – What was the meaning of that pillar of cloud that floated down from the sky like a dove during CHRIST’S baptism in the river Jordan? – How did the Ascension take place? – These phenomena continue right up to the “Miracle of Fatima” and events about extraterrestrial, the so-called SANTINER, that is accurately accounted for. Such questions occupy the minds of some of our physicists and para-physicists more than ever these days. I can recommend the following books to you: "Der Geist der Materie" and "Tod wo ist Dein Stachel" by Jean E. Charon, Paul Zsolnay-Verlag, Wien-Hamburg. One contact with the Israelites that stretched across a considerable time is rather clearly described in Exodus, Chapter 13 and this includes the handing over of the Commandments on Mount Sinai. Take note of the denotations of “cloud” and “pillar of fire”. You can also find explicit hints in Ezekiel, Daniel and in 2. Book of Kings, Chapter 2.