The Great Encounter

- 4 - As I have experienced such a verbal inspiration personally, I will depict all the processes involved with it in every detail and the reader can then make up his or her own mind. I’m not trying to get rid of a “product”, only portray an experience. These types of experiences unfortunately awaken within us the impression that one is dealing with a fairytale. We can track down such fairytale visions and fantastic conversations often enough in the bible - and these fairytale experiences in particular challenge our common sense, which in turn is supported by the devil. These types of experiences do not seem to fit into our world of perceptions, they unfortunately happen all too infrequently and are witnessed by only very few people. We have lost a very important attribute, namely the capacity to make mental contact with the OTHER WORLD. This attribute has remained better conserved in native tribes, even though it deals with the realm of demons most of the time. The cultured life of European races has sapped the individual’s soul to a degree, that it conceals the other, greater WORLD from our senses and only allows a glimmer in individual cases. In the mean time I have held various presentations on this theme at a number of parishes. Nowadays I’m aware of just what one replies in regards to this and thank god everything can be refuted. I have observed on the other hand that there is a great willingness amongst everybody to accommodate parapsychological events, well, even beyond that, that a yearning for better knowledge and a great demand for supernatural insights predominates.  Only a nagging doubt, reinforced by ruinous philosophies and by psychology inspired by the devil obstruct the road leading towards heaven. Every now and then I heard the question: “If GOD spoke to the prophets and performed all kinds of miracles in the past, why doesn’t this happen today? - Is GOD dead or did he never exist?” The Great Encounter verifies:  GOD speaks to prophets even today, even though this has become a rare occasion.  GOD isn’t dead, but still performs HIS MIRACLES nowadays, the trouble being that they’re dis- missed through infamous aspersions.  GOD lives a conscious, intelligent, but non-physical existence and HE can feel, think, see and hear everything every individual experiences. These sensory attributes are the very thing that makes us in HIS LIKENESS and this to the consternation of Satan, who would like to murder us physically and mentally, all to his own advantage. There is so much talk about GOD and so much is preached in Churches. But unfortunately there is all too little talk about the devil even though he’s the prince of this Earth. He deserves to be talked about in Churches and preached about from pulpits, this would give us a better opportunity to come to know and understand him and this would be to our advantage. I recently read one of Billy Graham’s books, one of the most successful evangelists of our time. Billy Graham dedicated all of his concentration on the devil and depicted him with all his characteristics. He did the right thing in this respect and it would be a crying shame, if the readers would unscrupu- lously ignore the devil, because he is absolutely not a fairytale figure, his presence is no legend and his actions are as real as the sun is shining.