The Great Encounter

- 5 -  My personal experiences have convinced me that Billy Graham never wrote or uttered one single untruth, but actually treated this most dangerous of all beings much too leniently . There will be no real peace here on Earth until we have learned to properly acknowledge his mystique, his black magic, all of his myths, his derided harmlessness or our deeply entrench images of him, until we place his very existence on equal footing to all the daily occurrences we experience with all our senses, because he has hydrogen and atom bombs at his disposal and as a ruler, he has the power over all his accomplices, all those he has managed to wrestle away from GOD, the almighty CREATOR. Billy Graham calls him “the best discourser in the world”. I don’t know whether he has got to know him like that, namely personally eye to eye, word by word, but I admire Billy Graham just the same, because he labelled him correctly. The Satan I have personally got to know is indeed an intelligence one cannot get the better of, it always has the last word, yes, even the very last word and this until GOD alone will speak the VERY LAST WORD and by doing so will silence him forever. I would like to clear up one widely proclaimed error right from the start:  It isn’t necessarily imperative that a prophet or a saint has to be a person without sin. This Great Encounter has verified the opposite, because I sinned dreadfully and my faith was based on the brazen pillar of absolute scepticism. We find a similar parable in the bible, where a Saul turned into a Paul with GOD’S HELP and both of them were full of fervour. One more inexcusable mistake lies in the fact that the Churches fully accept miracles that have taken place thousands of years ago and are only verifiable through historical tradition; but reject the miracles that still take place today, not verified through historical tradition, but by people actually alive today. There are only a few known exceptions, but the miracle of these exceptions has also not been appreci- ated whilst the one experiencing the miracle is still alive. There are a whole range of Christian Associations that utilise spiritual phenomenon as the foundation of their adoration. But there are Church Fathers and the ecclesiastically omnipotent of our Earth that combat this kind of phenomenon with all the anathematic contempt they can muster, wishing all the devotees would go to hell. But these fighters for TRUTH and justice in the name of GOD are no different from the perpetrators of the inquisition of the Middle Ages; they believe that they serve the HIGHEST but by doing so end up being the best tools in the hands of Satan. Suggestion The materialistic scientist in the person of the physicist or the psychologist has a ready catchword which is applied ruthlessly against any objections. This dangerous catchword is: Suggestion. The mo- ment supernatural miracles are talked about, they try to portrait this miracle as a suggestion, mass- hysteria or hallucination . We therefore have to briefly deal with suggestion in order correctly interpret and appreciate the following factual report, one that is actually regarded as incredible in many quarters. Hypnosis and suggestion, hallucination is also part of it, are mental conditions. That is to say:  Experiments carried out with the help of hypnosis or suggestion are experiments with the soul.