Science, technology and the arts

27 Question : (1964) One is presently dealing with the question of what to do with the nuclear waste from nuclear power stations , this waste is rapidly growing? ELIAS : Compared to years ago, one has made some progress in this regards. Less nuclear waste is produced than before. But some of it still remains. One has taken the option of enclosing nuclear waste in lead containers into consideration and then to sink them in the ocean. Doing so creates a huge danger for coming generations, because this dangerous radiation will eventually also penetrate these lead containers. Scientists and technicians are well aware of this danger. Question : Is there a chance that one will deposit this nuclear waste on the moon? ELIAS : One has taken this option already into consideration. Question : Can you indicate a better option for us? ELIAS : One will be able to utilise nuclear energy in the future without creating nuclear waste. The problem is that nuclear research has created such a lot of waste here on Earth over the years that this already presents a dangerous situation. There is only one option open to completely destroy this waste and this option is to shoot it into the sun . Within the sun’s grasp, this waste will no longer cause any damage. The moon is presently utilised as a base by extraterrestrials and they would suffer disadvantages. What is of vital importance is that such a waste carrying rocket does not fall back to Earth. Something like that happened once before: It crashed in Africa! Questions for the SANTINER Question : (1957) We recently attended a scientific lecture on the implications of nuclear tests . What nuclear physicists intend to do and the results they expect is devastating. • Scientists know (!) that every H-bomb explosion increasingly and for years pollutes the atmosphere and that this has recessive effects on organic substances; that this creates deformities and even brings about agonising deaths. • One expects (!) that around 100,000 people will suffer terminal illnesses! This mass murder is justified by saying that a world war would produce more than 30 million casualties; that an epidemic also kills millions and that compared to all other illnesses, death resulting from nuclear tests only make up 1%. Their experiences are mainly gained from animal experiments, but these are absolutely abhorrent. (Comment: Whilst these words were spoken, the furniture in the room crackled noisily a number of times) Answer : We caused this crackling sound. – The scientist’s calculations are incorrect, we are dealing with millions ! Question : We heard about a secret the sciences have not been able come to grips with and this is the “cosmic GLUE” that binds atoms together . What kind of SUBSTANCE is this? Answer : This is a SUBSTANCE that fills the whole universe. A SUBSTANCE that fills every type of matter. This SUBSTANCE does not consist of any particles; there is not even the