Science, technology and the arts

26 ELIAS : It does not affect vertebras, but it does affect molluscs and insects . Cold-blooded reptiles can also experience an enormous rate of growth. Question : (1972) What we hear often these days is that more and more birth deformities are happening, even though there are no genetic reasons for this to happen. Is there an explanation for this? ELIAS : Oh, yes! There is strontium 90 for instance and it has an adverse effect. The Earth’s atmosphere is polluted. Nuclear tests have brought this about and this damage cannot be repaired immediately. These birth defects appear all over the world. Question : The Earth’s population grows continuously. Will all these people have sufficient nourishment in the future? ELIAS : Planet Earth will be able to feed an excess of population. But wars should no longer be on the agenda and all efforts in regards to armament must cease. Mankind must concentrate on the production of food and with a lot of good will, it will be possible. Questions in regards to nuclear waste: Question : (1959) One of our major technical problems is the disposal of nuclear waste. One intends to shoot it out into space . What could be the result of this? AREDOS : This is undoubtedly a great sin. The planet’s gravity is so great that these molecules would re-enter the atmosphere after a certain time and this before they have lost their potency. Question : What would be the results if one would drop nuclear waste in containers into the ocean? ARGUN : Even a solid container made from lead would not annul the effect of radiation, because the radioisotopes encased in the containers do not reduce their radiation capacity. They will eventually penetrate the lead they’re inclosed in. They will only lose their dangerous capacity once they are leased. Question : One plans to burn these isotopes in ceramic burners. Will this alleviate the dangers ARGUN : No . There is only one possibility to render it harmless: These dangerous by-products must be converted . The SANTINER are able to help you here. But how can they do so if they are ridiculed and disowned ? – Mankind would beat ANGELS to death if it was able to do so! The Earth is Lucifer’s main domain and therewith a place of general megalomania . Question : What experiences did the SANTINER have with radioactive waste products? ARGUN : During the process of converting matter, isotopes emerge that are not radioactive. We are dealing with warm light here.