Psychic abilities and mediums

A psychic drawing comes about without the pen being lifted from the paper, one continuous line . Costumes, hairstyles, jewellery and utensils from the past are sketched and they coincide with historical facts. The medium and the participants are not familiar with these things, they are surprised! 4.3 Voice mediums Question : Speaking in a state of trance was already known during biblical times. But it happens at times that untruths and mistakes are spread about by trance mediums. How is this possible, especially if these mediums have a SPIRIT GUIDE of long standing at their disposal? AREDOS : The communication with a voice medium is very difficult. If the medium is in any way headstrong , for instance in strictly adhering to Church dogma, it is completely impossible for the otherworldly spirit to make itself known. The ensuing intervals are used by the medium to proclaim its own thoughts. Question : But isn’t there is also a CONTROL SPIRIT functioning here? AREDOS : The control, in this case, also fails due to the fanatical obstinacy of the medium. But if the medium remains completely passive and if it doesn’t interfere with the trance voice, the SPIRIT GUIDE is able to establish contact very well. 4.4. Materialisation mediums Question : How is it possible that a soul can materialise through the efforts of a medium? AREDOS : It takes a lot of preparation . The souls in the hereafter borrow the necessary SUBSTANCE for a materialisation from the medium. The construction of the materialisation, respectively the body, takes place in time lapse tempo . Because the hereafter is subject to completely different time and space conditions, a body can be created that would take many years to develop under the creational laws of terrestrial conditions. It can just as quickly dissolve into “nothing”, respectively the borrowed SUBSTANCE (ECTOPLASM) returns to its original owner, the medium.