Psychic abilities and mediums

AREDOS : There are also uncertainties present with automatic writing, but they are a relative rarity . If the medium shows too much of an interest in the question its subconscious also participates. If the medium knows the answer immediately during the writing process, it must realise what is taking place. A really good medium is not interested in the questions that are asked and it is also not curious about the answers. Apart from that, a good medium does not know what its hand is writing. -But this takes years of practice.  A reliable medium may not ask any of its own questions!  Every medium should not be an active, but a passive mediator! 4.2. Automatic drawing mediums Question : A very competent automatic writing medium can also draw very well if the spiritual GUIDE is also a good draftsman. Can you explain this process in more detail? AREDOS : It is very important that the medium is used to the process of being guided by the hand. It is not all that important that the lines are straight, what is essential is that one can decipher the writing. But when it comes to an automatic drawing, the lines must be exact, down to the millimetre .  According to our opinion, a good automatic drawing medium represents the crowning glory of automatic writing. Question : This enormous effort by the medium and the effort by the otherworldly DRAFTSMAN find very little appreciation. This is probably so because most people are unaware that this process actually exists. Is this correct? AREDOS : It isn’t just about appreciating a sketch, but the main effort is naturally the psychic painting. The great artists, especially those that painted inside Churches, have always had support from the otherworldly. This fact becomes apparent when one studies the perspectives and the positioning of the arms in all situations. This alone cannot be effected by any artist. 1 Question : What would you consider to be proof of genuine psychic ability in regards to a psychic drawing? AREDOS : During the fully automatic writing process, the medium does not know what the subject is going to be. 1 See Michelangelo’s scenes of the creation of man on the ceiling of the Sistine Chappell in Rome. - These paintings were drawn lying down!