Psychic abilities and mediums

4.5. Direct voice Question : But the phenomenon of “direct voice” is also a kind of materialisation. You told us not too long ago that you were not very interested in this phenomenon. Can you tell us the reasons for this? ARGUN : This phenomenon is a part of all the endeavours on behalf of the hereafter to verify a different level of existence. But sensationalism takes pride of place in your mundane existence. This doesn’t help the other side. Above anything else, it is our concern that you find your way to GOD, whereby we do everything that we can to help you with this. There are always exceptions naturally. This is why I always emphasise: Do not generalise in regards to any phenomenon! If this direct voice indicates the way to GOD to you, it is positive and it is accepted . But if it just says “good morning” and romanticises about something wonderful, it represents a pastime of the otherworldly; they quite often feel very important because they are admired accordingly. Question : Was the oracle of Delphi a spiritual phenomenon? AREDOS : Yes , the temple in Delphi was constructed in such a way that acoustic amplification was incorporated. Psychic energies enabled contact with the spiritual world. The answers came from the spiritual world via a so-called amplified “direct voice”. Question : We can amplify sound through electronic means nowadays. Would it be possible for us to amplify a materialised voice (direct voice) from the other side in this way? AREDOS : Yes, that is possible. 2 - But in such a situation, the cooperation of the respective psychic energies must be guaranteed. One can expect good results during a positive séance either in darkness or bathed in infrared light.  The spiritual world always needs some SUBSTANCE that allows the conversion into matter. Most of this SUBSTANCE can be obtained from a living human being. Plant emanations are also useful, but they are never adequate enough on their own. 3 - Conversations with INTELLIGENCES from the spiritual world are made a lot easier with the help automatic writing these days. 2 See psycho phone, respectively otherworldly voices recorded on tape. 3 For instance flowers in the meeting room.