What VERITAS tells us is ...

thousands of books verify the reality of parapsychological phenomena from haunting to divine REVELATION, from clairvoyance to telepathy and from intuition to inspiration. There is hardly a novelist who does not include occult events in the theme of his novels. And all of this is supposed to be the spawn of human fantasy? - Supernatural phenomena have initiated fairytales and they gave the motivation to magic and to sleight of hand. Phenomenal apparitions happen all over the world . Neither distance nor remoteness of location can prevent them. They even appear on the most remote islands of the South Pacific. Royal families and the great despots on Earth could also not avoid the supernatural. Con artists and impostors have marvelled at these miracles and turned them into a source of income through imitation . There is hardly another area that is as complex as the mystery of invisible events that interact with our physical world. One tries to turn a blind eye to all of these events. One is not willing to comprehend that GOD created a far greater WORLD than just the physical Earth. One imbues the flesh with intelligence and consciousness without considering the nonsense one wants to document! • Only a divine, immortal spirit is able to intelligently express itself, but never a physical system even of the highest order. There is not one single piece of physical matter throughout the universe that is able to comprehend itself, to maintain itself or to accommodate sin or progress in a human sense. Only a divine SPIRIT, only divine MATTER is able to do so. Man however adamantly denies his spiritual ancestry , his immortality and his superiority in regards to anything physical. Every soul that enters the hereafter experiences a terrible awakening , because it must discern just how wrong it has been about the most important part of its life. Every soul will comprehend one day that is has neglected to live correctly , because it succumbed to stupidity and ignorance. What VERITAS tells us is… (8) The real human giants, people who have recognised the TRUTH, people who have fathomed GOD in HIS highest and clearest FORM have been miserably murdered, garrotted, crucified, burned at the stakes and thrown to the lions in order for others to amuse themselves on their final agonies and in order to excite themselves on their steadfastness and their unshakable death- defiance. These people were genuine prophets with divine VOICES, with SACRED INSPIRATION, they were GENUINE PHILOSOPHERS who had seen and comprehended the real TRUTH. They were scientists who knew the hereafter and comprehended the enormous augustness and expanse of the fourth dimension. This unshakable certainty of their real existence that stand above the physical, has given them the courage to face a heroic death. – How terrible and disheartening on the other hand is Kant’s death from insanity or Spinosa’s 2 consumptive end, outcast, cursed and condemned 2 Spinosa , Baruch, born Amsterdam 24. 11. 1632, died The Hague 21.2.1677, Dutch philosopher. The most important systematic in regards to rationalism and pantheism. His philosophy postulated the identity of God and nature (monism): God regarded as all inclusive nature is the absolute, eternal substance and man has access to its infinite attributes to expand in regards to matter and spirit. In his anonymously published >Tractatus theologico-politicus< (1670), next to a treatise about Descartes’ >Principia philosophiae<, the only script published in his lifetime, Spinosa defended the ideas of freedom of thought and tolerance. He had a significant influence on German idealism and romanticism.