What VERITAS tells us is ...

by his contemporaries. Let us turn our attention away from the “more exalted” members of the human race and turn towards those that are superstitious due to stupidity. How is it possible that superstition and thereby the fear of the supernatural develops within a primitive islander bereft of natural-historical insights? – Members of native tribes are highly instinctive . They are also extremely intuitive and therefore more psychic than other human beings. Their inherited instinct tells them that the world they live in does not represent the whole, enclosed sphere of existence . Their instinctive and extremely sharp senses show them a world that produces metaphysical apparitions. These senses are not sharp due to a physical improvement of the nervous system, but because their consciousness works more independently , well, because it sometimes does completely without the physical stimulus of the senses. The native senses immediate dangers, the quiet approach of a predator or a looming earthquake or inundation. Beyond that they might suddenly see a spirit APPARITION or hear otherworldly VOICES or SOUNDS. Stevenson , who travelled throughout the South Pacific, gave very accurate accounts of the islander’s fear of ghost. This fear permeates all of South East Asia, Australia and all of Oceania. In spite of the vast distances between these localities, these apparitions are the same everywhere . Superstition exclusively developed from actual supernatural phenomena. The TRUTH developed its unnatural cultism that most European regards as perverse nonsense and superstition. Superstition is therefore, depending on the individual development of people, a mixture of fear, adoration, curiosity and an intuitive feeling that the world hides secrets beyond the grave that are of absolute importance to people. Due to insufficient insight, these fear-instilling supernatural apparitions are completely falsely interpreted . The more primitive feels persecuted and thinks that he is involved in a fight with otherworldly, overpowering entities. Because these entities are unstoppable, but still verify their existence without offering direct points of attack, the more primitive remain feeling passively powerless. Natives therefore try to reconcile with these supernatural enemies, to appease them and this is why they present them with all kinds of offerings and gifts. • A scientist who derides and ridicules the term “ghosts” is not a real scientist, but the victim of a mistake he doggedly defends. What VERITAS tells us is… (9) All great inspirations and revelations, all supernatural and extraterrestrial help has always produced inhibitions within the soul of man and awakened man’s conscience in all corners of the world and this for thousands of years . • These scruples gave rise to responsibilities and they influenced man’s thoughts and actions to a degree that it was actually possible for man to progress culturally and also technically. • From these inspirations emerged the religions on this planet , their further development is only hindered through false political science.