What VERITAS tells us is ...

• Belief in ghosts, respectively in spirits or the belief in the appearance of demons is not superstition by a long shot. • To predict the future by reading tea leaves or to dread Friday the 13 th is pure superstition . Superstition is an intuitive memory that resides within man. Alchemy, witches cauldrons and other spawns of human fantasy of past times have left an imprint on the soul that remained in tact from incarnation to incarnation. This is the reason why people are always attracted to superstitions – exactly the way they are fascinated by acts of war. • The people on Earth’s mutual disrespect and persecution of one another are mainly the result of intuitive memories from past lives here on Earth. Priests allow ruinous superstition a lot of freedom and religious confession also forms part of it. • It is a priest’s task to give the confessor a mental boost, to advice him and to lighten the burden in his heart. • The priest should not punish the sinner, but forgive him as a human being – and not replace GOD in a frivolous way! • The priest may not do or forgive anything in the NAME of GOD, because this would immediately dupe the sinner. This would make him more self-confident and he would blindly trust in GOD’S FORGIVENESS in regards to all his misdeeds. What VERITAS tells us is… (7) In philosophy, parapsychology only occupies a small space. This fact – measured by its importance – is completely incomprehensible, because it would have to occupy the greatest space. In regards to analysing and contemplating supernatural phenomena, one proceeds with the same timidity and shame as one would when the word “love” is about to be used in parochial society. One either ridicules the events or one is ashamed of the facts. • The highest worldly values cannot be compared to the supernatural POWERS and OPPORTUNITIES one brings into disrepute philosophically. Parapsychology means: Naked TRUTH. Well, one fears this TRUTH, because it conceals LEGALITIES that come into effect for every human being after their demise. Supernatural phenomena are certainly nothing new, they occur everywhere and have so for thousands of years. These phenomena existed before sleight of hand, before fairytales and before scientific misrepresentations. These phenomena have brought about the painful death for a great number of people. Because of their occult experiences, many succumbed to insanity. According to science, all of this is supposed to be based on imagination ? The price paid for parapsychological self-experience was being burned at the stake or running foul of the inquisition. The complete world literature in this field of knowledge fills whole libraries . Hundred of