The hereafter - Addendum

-12 - We are one great COMMUNITY in our REALM, one that has become very close knit and virtually represents a SPHERE to help you, to protect you, to give you good advice and also help you when you’re ill. We would like to open your eyes and show you the true path to the LIGHT so we can walk this path with you. This path is sometimes very, very long and rocky, but together we will surely get there. My dear friends, never think for a moment that you are alone and abandoned. You will never ever be that! You always have lots of FRIENDS around you who help you and warn you. But unfortunately also those that would like to influence you NEGATIVELY. But do not forget that you have a personal GUARDIAN ANGEL that is so fused with you that he laughs and also cries with you. He always endeavours to have you do the right thing. If you however begrudge other people things, he becomes so sad that he will separate from you, because he is then unable to fulfil his MISSION. Never think that nobody hears you and that you are completely misunderstood. This is not the case. A prayer will always be heard. It is up to you to make sure that it comes from the heart, because its VIBRATIONS will then reach great distances – otherwise it’s just another prayer. If a prayer is uttered without an honest wish, the RATE of VIBRATION is too low. Dear friends, we are accurately aware of what takes place in your physical realm and we’re also aware of what you think and feel. We feel for every one of you and we also understand the situation and position you’re in. * * * * * * * October 1959 A terrestrial criticism of GOD’S realm Even the most experienced spiritualist spontaneously asks themselves: How is it possible that so much verifiable knowledge in regards to the spiritual realm finds so little dissemination? Apart from the rejecting behaviourism of the powerful churches and universities, there is another factor that has a very specific impact. We are dealing with terrestrial thought processes of the people living on Earth in regards to the LAWS of the non-physical WORLD. The people on Earth live under the coercive force of the laws of nature. I addition to these LAWS are the legal and civil laws written by man. People’s whole terrestrial existence determines their thought processes and it matters not whether we are dealing with general living conditions or technological accomplishments. These experiences and accomplishments are classified, written down and preserved. People try to explain every phenomenon, every miracle and actually every event that somehow reaches them or is known to them through hearsay, with this cache of accessible knowledge that reaches as far as the boundaries of space. Scientists, theologians and all types of researchers try to explain all supernatural and otherworldly processes with the help of these purely physical experiences that also include measurable ethereal vibrations and electro-magnetic micro- or macrocosmic processes. This is where the whole terrestrial knowledge already fails at the boundaries of the fourth dimension. Being absolutely helpless, they simply reject the phenomenon as well as otherworldly messages – partially because of lack of experience, partially because of exaggerated scepticism and partially because of