The hereafter - Addendum

-13 - incredulity. Their assessment usually comes in a completely superficial way: “The sciences are confronted by an enigma” – or: “The whole was simply an illusion.” The spiritual realm can neither be recognised nor criticised with a purely terrestrial, that is to say, materially aligned thought process. The spiritual realm has its own LAWS and they correlate to a non-physical EXISTENCE. It is therefore a completely wrong concept to simplify matters by placing divine revelations from GOD’S realm into the realm of man’s subconsciousness. • This is where people adjudicate without actually knowing the LAWS. With tender patience, the spiritual world endeavours to teach you about the existence of the spiritual realm in every way possible. But as mentioned before, this dimension has its own LAWS and non-compliance with these LAWS can also have incalculable consequences for the souls living in the hereafter. • These otherworldly indoctrinations are always confronted by demonic FORCES that want to prevent such additional knowledge from being disseminated. Terrestrial man now asks the question: Why can the good, positive ENTITIES from the world of the hereafter not prevent such crassness and disturbances? – The highest, universal LAW is LOVE. Freedom of will takes second place. Both of these are things terrestrial mankind abuses. These LAWS have however more coercive and more eminent meaning in the hereafter than in the physical world, because everything is superlative in the hereafter. • This is the reason why positive OTHERWORLDLY FORCES can not and may not interfere forcefully in order to remove malicious troublemakers, because they are also guaranteed their free will on their PLANE of existence, but they also have the bear the consequences of their behaviourism. Many doubts about GOD’S realm arise because false comparisons are made between the spiritual realm and the terrestrial existence. Compared to the terrestrial existence, the spiritual realm has superlative capabilities. Questions and answers July 1959 Question : How do you see our thoughts? In colours or in shapes? ARGUN : Neither in colours nor in shapes, but the way you imagine things. February 1960 Question : How can we people on Earth best protect ourselves against otherworldly negative INFLUENCES? ARGUN : By not showing fear! • Fear opens spiritual DOORS for the negative to enter.