The hereafter - Addendum

-11 - more telepathically . Question : Can an otherworldly soul suffer physical injuries, because it also has a body? ARGUN : Yes. There are danger zones for the ASTRAL BODY where it can be damaged – if the ASTRAL BODY ends up in the vicinity of particular RAYS. This however only affects the intellect of the soul, it alone can suffer damage. It therefore doesn’t directly affect the ASTRAL BODY. Question : Do human beings retain their form after their demise, when they enter a spiritual EXISTENCE? ARGUN : Not always. People in their ASTRAL STATE change according to their spiritual ASCEND or DECLINE. They either become more beautiful or the opposite. It is entirely up to the ASTRAL HUMAN BEING. • Base otherworldly entities are repugnantly ugly . April 1958 Question : Does an otherworldly being have the opportunity of withdrawing into solitariness if they have a need to do so? ARGUN : If they have enough freedom to do so, then yes. Every human being who led a righteous life on Earth has this freedom in ample measure. When I talk about the hereafter, I talk about paradisaical beauty, rest, peace and harmony. Colour compositions play the greatest role in this paradise and then odours – and last but not least music. Words are never able to describe this beauteousness. Words are also not able to describe what takes place in the dark SPHERES. I have just indicated to you how beautiful the spiritual paradise really is. • It would however be utterly wrong for you to pine for it and long for the day to arrive when you will at last be there. • It would also be utterly wrong for you to regards all the beauty on this Earth to be ugly on account of this, beyond your current concept of paradise. Believe me, this Earth is also a paradise. – It only depends on human beings! November 1958 A message for a newly formed psychic work circle. ARGUN : Dear friends, if it’s alright with you, I will tell you a few things about our REALM. I like to tell you to begin with that we do have a form like you. We only live in various spheres of existence. We do however have to fulfil various MISSIONS assigned to us by our FATHER via his ANGELS. • We have the freedom, if we strive for GOODNESS, to be able to move to far distant locations as fast as our thoughts allow it.