Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

39 nothingness. To refute this nonsense is the highest and most sacred assignment we have been asked to deal with. We try with al l available means to create clarity here, because we discovered the SOURCE of the TRUTH. * * * * * * * Questions and answers March 1973 Question : We are of the opinion that the interpretation of KARMA is subject to a lot of abuse. What is your opinion in regards to this? ELIAS : There are a lot of people who say: “Do I deserve my fate?” These people believe that an injustice has befallen them. But not everything is KARMA. An unhappy fate can at times also be a great test – and woe to those that fail – because they will find even more difficult conditions in their next life. • Those that have an easy time of it naturally have twice the obligation in regards to their fellow men. CHRIST said: “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter heaven.” This is still relatively pertinent these days, because the rich do not want to make sacrifices; they prefer to take. We try to keep religion out of our elucidations as much as possible, because it is too much of an impetus to reject things. People must try to better themselves without religion, but one cannot eliminate it completely. Question : This planet is supposed to serve the refinement of the soul. Have there been successful attempts to affect the refinement of people? ELIAS : Oh yes, that’s a fact, even if a lot of wars will still be fought. At least young people have a peace-movement going! * * * * * * * March 1973 Reincarnation Anthropologic examinations have shown that the most primitive human tribes believe in a world of spirits, even though these groups are spread far and wide all over the world. Where did people of the lowest cultural level gain their KNOWLEDGE from? – It has also been ascertained that these native people believe in reincarnation and orientate their death cults accordingly. Where did these primitive people obtain their knowledge about renascence? – There is only one plausible answer: These people maintain CONTACT with the world of spirit and it keeps them informed. But due to their immaturity, they are unable to completely comprehend this information and they change the