Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

40 facts to comply with their way of thinking. The same applies to cultured nations: They also receive MESSAGES and EXPLANATIONS from the hereafter, but they also change this INFORMATION and they also adapt it to their way of thinking. It is the same with all the religions of this world. No church makes an exception here. We find the doctrine of reincarnation clearly defined with the old Egyptians. But they erroneously believe that the departed require nourishment to maintain their viability. It is quite difficult to imagine a human existence that cannot be perceived. Spiritual circles that perform their work immaculately are in complete agreement in regards to the doctrine of reincarnation. Where this is not the case, we are dealing with mediums and circles that do not work exact enough. • The influence of drummed in church doctrines is very powerful and often prevents the objective truth to get through. • No human beings exist that are not re-born. Only the time between varies. • A reincarnation can be deferred for a 1,000 years, but it can also take place within hours after one’s demise. It depends on the purpose of one’s development. When a soul resides in the hereafter, it has the opportunity to continue its education there also. If a desire to educate oneself if there, the next renascence is deferred. Proving a service for mankind also plays a major role, because it will stop the next incarnation for as long as this service is carried out successfully. This shows how important the performance of service on behalf mankind really is. Human souls, antagonistic towards society, unwilling to take on a mission and only loafing about must expect being reborn again soon. These souls do however not receive preferential treatment, but have to work off KARMA, that is to say, they will be rated lower. If mankind’s leaders were better informed about the psycho-sciences, they would be able to avoid many a mistake, namely mistakes that are consciously made and attract KARMA in the process. The church tries to eliminate these things that are so every real and this is why they introduced the doctrine of “eternal heaven” and “eternal damnation”. The easiest way to get to the “ heaven” defined by the church is to support the church . This belief – respectively superstition – is broadly banded about. How often does one hear the words: “You only live once in this world”. This is a mistake that led many up the garden path. Every human being living on Earth has already absolved an enormous serious of reincarnation and without them, would be so primitive they could not live in this technological world. People intuitively bring the experiences of their many past lives to this world when they are born. Everybody can observe this and this without having absolved years of studying. Question and answers April 1973 Question : There are a number of people that are able to remember their past life from time to time;