Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

38 February 1973 Reincarnation A refined soul, that is to say, a soul that is stable in regards to morals, ethics and character, is not re-embodied in the foreseeable future; it is prepared to serve and will receive educative assignments, for example to perform the duty of a GUARDIAN ANGEL in order to guide a terrestrial human being, to protect and telepathically advice it and also influence it. An unrefined soul, that is to say, a soul that is misanthropic, egotistical, ungodly and without humility, will be taken to REGIONS one could call “hell”. Misanthropy prevails in these REGIONS and there is no sign of peace and bliss anywhere. There are no constraints for negative character traits like hatred and envy in these SLUMS of the spiritual realm. The result of this situation leads to the realisation that a terrestrial life has been wasted. When this state of remorse has reached a certain level, the soul can count on GOD’S GRACE. The pardon granted comes in the form of a reincarnation. A number of aspects are taken into consideration before a rebirth on Earth takes place: The about to be reincarnated soul is placed in a terrestrial situation that offers the best opportunities for improvement. To assess this is impossible for us human beings. But we know and we hear over again that there is JUSTICE, even if we do not recognise it. It might even be a case where astrology plays a part, we are not sure about the effect it really has. • No matter how much the Christian philosophy balks at the idea, reincarnation is a fact. Reincarnation even strengthens the belief in immortality. There would be no development at all without it. For as long as people are devoid of divine insights they will have to continue their pilgrimage here on Earth. • Who would entertain the thought of building a skyscraper lock stock and barrel in order to accommodate an ant? – GOD did not create such an incredible universe so that people have nothing more than a short terrestrial life, one that end in absolute nothingness into the bargain. Even human logic re jects this! The thing that annoys scientists in this is karma; because karma entails atonement. Nobody wants to atone for anything and this is why one prefers to accept the church dogma of “eternal heaven” and why gravestone display phrases like: “Here rests eternally at peace…” – The LAW of REINCARNATION makes absolute nonsense of such phrases, because the allegedly resting person might already be back amongst us. There is neither “eternal peace” nor “eternal rest”. The hereafter is very active in regards to good and evil. People have to accept that fact they are endowed with eternal life – whether good or bad. Only the human body is on loan and it alone is subject to the laws of nature. The whole dilemma of lack of insights is mainly due to the fact that the sciences erroneously assume that consciousness and thought activity are functions of the brain. They say that w hen the brain eventually dissolves and is no longer able to function, people will have exited life and entered