Invisible truth

63  Dealing with otherworldly heralds very clearly that there is an enormous battle between GOOD and evil is raging in the spiritual realm.  The hereafter is certainly not an eternal resting place, but a world of a different SUBSTANCE, it is in its structure very similar to ours. One finds practically everything there that we have here on Earth. But everything there comes into being through willpower . Questions and answers (Protocol extracts, October 1966) Question : Has a GUARDIAN ANGEL really the power to protect its protege? Answer : In all the years I’ve been co-operating with your world, I have never met anyone who could say to me: “Well, these are certainly lovely indoctrinations you bring, I’ve tried them out but I’m still hungry, thirsty and defenceless.” - No, I’ve never met any spiritualists like that.  I’m absolutely certain that the power of the spirit can do its work where perfect loyalty and faith rules; but not blind faith but faith based on solid KNOWLEDGE.  We do our best work where we find peace and receptiveness and where the atmosphere is not disturbed by excitement and fanaticism. A difficult problem has to be solved and it can be solved; many in this world have already proven this. This applies to all of you. If you give me permission, I can guide you and prevent any real harm from touching you. Without boasting, I may say that I have guided you and given you specific PROTECTION in the past. You can contribute to this by spreading a positive atmosphere around you.  We can only do our work if you create the right conditions! You are our hands then we can’t use ours in your world. We can only express ourselves through the things you place at our disposal . We like to co-operate with you, but not give you orders. Nobody is pushed away and nobody is going to be dominated. Nobody can ask us for anything because we don’t ask anything of you, we allow you to exercise your free will and your self- determination. All we ask of you is:  Meet us half way and we will rush towards you more than half way. - Co-operation is the LAW. We always present the same old TRUTH, only in a variety of forms, so everybody can understand it. The TRUTH however stays the same ; then TRUTH cannot be altered, TRUTH remains TRUTH.