Invisible truth

64 Some more advice:  Never look back! - To regret something that might have been is futile. The task of the past was to sow the seed for today, they should help to sow the seed of the present, that it might blossom and flourish tomorrow. Live in the present and draw from the present life the maturity and abundance that can be yours, if you allow yourself to be influenced by the POWER that is around you and within you. We don’t just want to teach you how to die, but also how you should live! If you live decently, you will also die decently. But you must live first! Question : Is your contact with higher ENTITIES interrupted because you come to see us ? Answer : Yes, but there is some compensation. I learn from you. I see the world through your eyes and your mind. I have removed myself far way from the SOURCES of my stimulation, but I can regain it again when I leave this world you live in for a short time. I’m neither infallible nor omniscient. I can transmit eternal KNOWLEDGE, the TRUTH’S nobody can tarnish, but only to a certain degree. I can also show you the radiant ideals of the SPIRIT and the sparkling jewels of KNOWLEDGE, which surpass all of your earthly values. They are eternal words, standing the test of time.  Accept these wisdoms, they will be precious to you - way beyond death! The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer, March 1971) Occultists and spiritualists are often very angry with negative scientists, because they don’t take occult findings serious , but often mock them . We therefore ask the question of how should we deal with these scientists? Should we just ignore them? Our spiritual teacher ARGUN answers this question as follows: “It all depends on individual circumstances.” Scientists are not stupid, even if they look down on SPIRITUALISM and phenomenon. Scientists are educated and programmed at universities to deal with known objects only. They must be able to experiment and achieve the same results every time. They can then draw their conclusions from these. Spiritual intelligence (soul) is, according to scientific knowledge, not an object. Even when materialisations are taking place, the materialised object remains a part of the medium, then the ethereal substance eventually retracts back into the body of the medium.  Transcendental phenomenon appear spontaneously most of the time, it is therefore very difficult to repeat such a phenomenon.