In the service of science - Part 3

60 • That these messages can be recorded in a foreign language , even though none of the participants have command of this language. • Items, like for instance weapons or jewellery, are drawn from centuries past and never seen before by any of the circle’s participants. • Names of places were mentioned, unknown up to then but still connected to some event. We for instant received a message that mentioned that a GUARDIAN ANGEL lived in a small village in Spain during his last life on Earth and that he died from cholera there. We went in search of this village and read about its history. This village was indeed ravaged by cholera and the year that was mentioned was also correct. Such cases are not a rarity. We have the evidence that an academic title does not automatically crown a high carat scientist. We are unfortunately not in a position to publish a book that gives all the details of the available evidence that the spiritual concept is correct. This book, respectively three such books, were however penned by Dr. Emil Mattiesen . His work covers everything. Did Professor Bender never observe an experiment that is called “Cross” ? This experiment produces a message that cannot be interpreted, because the code for it is missing. This code is however communicated via a medium in another country or another continent. These medium naturally do not know one another and they have no idea what this message is for. Is there a possibility of misinterpretation here? When I, Viktor Speer , was in England I received a message from a London medium that contained a statement in regards to our work. The medium did not know me and it had never seen me before, because the medium was blind . It addressed me just the same, even though it could not have known that I was amongst the attendees. It talked about our SPIRIT GUIDES and it conveyed greeting from them. It furthermore talked about a ship and it described it in detail. This ship was drawn simultaneously by our own medium Uwe Speer in Berlin during a séance. Is there a possibility of misinterpretation here? In regards to misinterpretations ; it is undoubtedly present with numerous scientifically qualified “know-it-all”. Such experiments must undoubtedly be carried out with respect and humility , but where do we find these traits amongst scientists? The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences August 1971 When perusing any encyclopaedia one continuously finds some doubtful statements in regards to the concept of “spirits”. Spirit allegedly means ghost, that is to say, the ghost or the soul of somebody who died. The word “allegedly” is never far away. This is quite incomprehensible to an experienced researcher in this field of knowledge. There aren’t just millions of pieces of evidence for the personal survival of the human soul, but also a considerable amount of expert literature throughout the world that deal with this evidence. The majority of mankind is completely ignorant in this respect. One allows oneself to be strictly guided by the assessments of science here also, but it is apparent that the experts amongst the scientists avoid this evidence. This does not happen without reason: One is all too aware of one’s