In the service of science - Part 3

59 Such an announcement would be akin to a resignation from his job, because he would lose his post as a professor or he would be encouraged to work somewhere else. Every reader will realise that it is quite impossible to progress one step by acting in such a manner. Para-science can make all possible endeavours – but of what use are they if an unwritten law prohibits the acknowledgment of the truth. Private research is free from such things, but it does not enjoy the advantage of scientific acknowledgments. This is very unfortunate in regards to finding the truth, because the public will blindly accept all scientific judgments. Only the things academic sciences say has pertinence, everything from private sources is regarded with scepticism. There is however literature available all over the world published by so-called esoteric publishers. Mankind would actually have an opportunity here to orientate itself factually. But this is also not the case, because esoteric or psycho-scientific essays and articles are formulated in such a way that no layman can understand them. Those with no prior preparatory training feel like little boys confronted by higher mathematics. Even well-known and brilliant physicians, with immense scientific experiences, verified to us that they didn’t understand one iota of the psycho-scientific evidence and they had no inkling that para-science actually existed. But they still hold with the general assertion: “The whole subject can also be interpreted differently .” The material at the disposal of universities in regards to para-science is extremely deficient and of a negative nature most of the time anyway. If one therefore holds the opinion that this field of knowledge does not play an important role in our lives, one makes an absolute mistake. • This field of knowledge decides over our whole existence on this planet, before and after our demise. Well, the Earth’s whole viability also depends on it. Besides, we can receive insights from the other side that can save us from having to experiment for years to come. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences July 1971 Our endeavours are not designed to entertain, but to support the sciences. We endeavour to publicise our experiences as comprehensible as possible. The “moving glass” (Ouija board) is a well-known form of communicating with the hereafter. Professor Dr. H. Bender (para-psychology) also arrived at para-psychology through the writing with a glass. But he writes the following about psychic writing: “Some people, so-called automatons or writing mediums, can spontaneously and meaningfully write without conscious guidance and the “messages” from their subconscious even surprise them. The deliverance of subconscious contents also takes place through the glass the participants placed their fingers on, as it moves from letter to letter. The ego-alien character of this automatic production leads to a situation where they are “misinterpreted” as ”messages from spirits”. All readers of our Menetekel brochures will immediately recognise just how enormously wrong so- called experts of para-psychology can be, even though they believe to know more than experienced spiritualists who practiced all their life. One has to know in regards to this: