In the service of science - Part 3

61 own negative behaviour and therefore rejects all criticism – and as the WORLD of the SPIRIT exacts strict criticism, one simply rejects the fact that this AUTHORITY actually exists. The situation is similar with the Church, it too doesn’t take kindly to criticism, least of all from souls from the hereafter. The Church makes no statements in regards the hereafter whatsoever. Inscriptions on gravestones are prescribed and bear witness to the ignorance about such an important issue. It states for instance: “I know that you enjoy the security of eternal peace” . Any comment is superfluous here. We attempted to fathom this behaviourism. We managed to ascertain that general science is not willing to make an objective statement. What remains is a yes and no and this is something mankind cannot do anything with. The Churches behave in the exact same manner. • This behaviourism, it has been around for millennia, encouraged the formulation of political philosophies that have degenerated into monstrous crimes against humanity. There are isolated cases where eminent scientists of renown do not share the masses’ views that mainly assesses things based on prejudices and preprogramed phrases . The sciences have never been able to verify conscious activities within physical matter. The “Soviet Dialectic Materialism” presumes the opposite in spite of this. The masses however do not contemplate this and they are also not capable of recognising and branding this assertion for what it is, namely a brazen lie. The human brain is not the place where thoughts, contemplations and the conscious awareness of feelings are produced. There is neither a super-consciousness nor a sub-consciousness in the brain, because human beings are “remote-controlled robots” controlled by spirit, respectively controlled by a soul. There is manifold evidence available to verify this fact, but the general public does unfortunately have no knowledge of this. The human ego-consciousness resides in the cosmos. It consists of OSCILLATIONS. Rebellious young people also have no knowledge of this fact, because universities conceal this momentous evidence, respectively do not conduct any kind of research of their own. Students would otherwise behave completely differently . Medicine is aware that the brain is not the central station of one’s consciousness. One dissected the brain of highly intelligent people after their demise, opened their cranium to find that there was no longer a brain inside . There are hundreds of such cases! These cases on their own should have sufficed to open the sciences’ eyes. Drug addicts experience the exit of their soul from their body. One calls this condition a “trip”. This should also suffice. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences September 1971 Universities set standards, respectively promote formulas. Researchers and scientists work with these standards or formulas. They naturally help them to make progress, but there are elemental things of enormous importance that are not taught at universities, because one omitted to secure standards for them. Magic and all of occultism are a part of this.