In the service of science - Part 3

27 There is also another piece of evidence from a purely scientific point of view, namely telepathy , it is nowadays beyond doubt. If thoughts would only take place within the brain thought images would not be transferable . But as one cannot measure thoughts, they penetrate thick lead plates and electric fields in spite of this, one can only be dealing with VIBRATIONS that have nothing to do with physical matter. They are therefore of a spiritual nature. • The life of the soul, including all its perceptions, does not take place within the physical body, but outside of it. This is the reason why the soul can and does survive its terrestrial death. The blessing that would spread across the globe cannot be imagined, if only the sciences would conduct their metaphysical research better , namely on the basis of the unbiased open-mindedness of the middle course . People’s ignorance in this field of knowledge makes almost everybody unhappy here on Earth. The courage for progress may not be curtailed ! The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences February 1969 The most important organ of a human being is undoubtedly the brain. One assumes that all mental functions, including one’s conscious processes, take place within the convolutions of the brain. Only a few scientists deviate from this assumption. One has to take the fact that conscious processes within the brain have never been directly verified into consideration in spite of this. One is always only dealing with secondary effects , like for instance electrical brain waves. Constant contact with otherworldly THOUGHT BEARERS over many years however verifies that this exception within international research can never be correct . • The whole conscious process must take place outside of the brain, because there would otherwise be no individual spirit beings. These THOUGHT BEARERS constantly verify their independence. Compared to us human beings, their thought activities are a lot faster and more objective. It is very unfortunate that academic science took almost no notice of spiritual research results, because this makes them only tread water. One has indeed been able to ascertain which convolutions of the brain might deal with certain functions , but appearances still deceive us, something we can observe with the orbit of the sun. The reality looks entirely different and spiritualism is aware of this reality. The main functions of the brain are naturally concerned with the physical body, but conscious processes take place outside of the body, beyond physical matter. The whole mirror of consciousness is actually to be found in the cosmos. With the help of their brain’s convolutions, people have the opportunity to grasp the cosmic processes of their consciousness. We are dealing with unconsciousness or with people’s demise if this is no longer the case. Death however does not destroy man’s cosmic consciousness, it continues to function without a physical brain. This fact is very important, because it makes death more comprehensible and it convinces people of their survival after their disembodiment.