In the service of science - Part 3

26 A physician cannot prove whether a patient is actually in pain. He can only assume this. But a physician can assert that the patient imagines his pain and this to such a degree that it surpasses reality. One deals in a similar fashion with spiritualism , namely with absurd assertions. This is why it is not a case of depending on “major events” of parapsychological phenomena, but rather on the thousands of odds and ends that constitute an unbreakable chain of evidence. • When a scientist is seriously interested in such phenomena, he must begin by studying spiritualism and beyond that, have genuine mediums at his disposal. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences January 1969 One thought it quite unnecessary to show a scientific interest in spiritualism only a few year ago. This situation has improved somewhat . There are a number of institutes these days that deal with the phenomena of parapsychology. One also conducts such tests and attempts in the Soviet Union. This is gratifying to occultists. But one is unfortunately trespassing against a number of spiritual LAWS during all of these investigations and they block any real success. • In the first instance, one cannot be an atheists. All explanations and interpretations of a phenomenon are based on purely terrestrial thought processes. All causes are looked for in Mother Nature’s behaviourism, that is to say, in physical matter. The presence of an intelligent WORLD of the SPIRIT occupies last place in all these contemplations. The supernatural is supposed to have its origin in physical matter. One balks at admitting that the supernatural could possibly have something to do with GOD. This is a great mistake! One forgets that all of creation has something to do with GOD, whether the sciences like this or not. What is lacking is a neutral open-mindedness, something that is absolutely imperative. Parapsychologists engaged in this research are biased by representing and fanatically defending terrestrial interests. These researchers are unfortunately not taking the middle course. • Our spiritual work could not have blossomed the way it did if we have not strictly adhered to the middle course. If we expect the realm of the spirit to fulfil our demands to help us, we have to give it the full respect and recognition it deserves. The realm of the spirit however also expects us to only act on behalf of a good cause. But good causes are in a lot of cases only betrayed. We think that religion gives us an inkling of all things divine. This type of research will not follow the path it is supposed to without religion. The realm of the spirit showed us an enormous number of unusual and impressive phenomena, but almost all of them have been wrongly interpreted by others. One would like to disavow the existence of otherworldly soul in all of these contemplations. One assumes that the seat of the soul is within the brain ; it represents a kind of activity of the brain to science. The reality is that we are not dealing with an activity of the brain, but with a COSMIC PROCESS. The Japanese are somewhat ahead of us in this respect, they talk of COSMIC THOUGHT BEARERS. That this assertion is correct can be unambiguously verified. Spiritualism alone furnished thousands of pieces of such evidence.