In the service of science - Part 3

13 The way a family circle or a trained spiritual circle collects these experiences could never be duplicated in an institute. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences December 1967 Certain spook phenomena take place once in a while that atheistic journalists absolutely revel in, because they offer the kind of material they can ridicule. These occurrences are also checked by the sciences. One does eventually come to the conclusion that occult FORCES are at work, but that they stem from the medium (full stop). Explanations are interrupted in mid-sentence. It would further have to state: • The medium, as its name suggests, is a mediator between the here and now and the hereafter. The medium does indeed supply a certain amount of occult ENERGY in order to accomplish a spook, ergo an occult phenomenon, but the EXECUTANTS are human INTELLIGENCES that live on another PLANE of the human existence, ergo within another FREQUENCY. Having observed a very impressive spook phenomenon, Professor Bender , Freiburg/Breisgau, came to the same conclusion, namely that the spook was initiated by a young man, one affected by puberty and with a suppressed sense of revenge . His motto: Never admit more than is necessary! This young man was undoubtedly a medium, but nothing more . He could never have triggered a spook phenomenon without the co-operation of otherworldly entities. These things confirm that so- called experts, even if they are professors, have some knowledge in regards to spiritual matters, but still don’t know everything. This actually requires unconditional LOVE and an incomparable sense of open-mindedness . It goes without saying that brutishness has no place here. Result: Terrestrial, human thought processes cannot shed light on these spiritistic cases. This is why no scientist or professor will be in a position to correctly solve a spiritual spook phenomenon. • These kind of occult phenomena can only be solved with the help of otherworldly beings. This is why spiritualism with its possibilities has an advantage, because we receive information about the PERPETRATOR of the spook or similar phenomena through the communication skills of a good medium. CHRIST said: “Knock on any door and they will be opened”. If the sciences are actually endeavouring to look for an elucidation, they must knock on doors. We however ascertained that they always knock on the wrong door. One is not inclined to knock on GOD’S door, because this would be a futile endeavour in the eyes of the sciences, as GOD as a sentient being, does not exist. One therefore knocks on the door of the human mind , but it is not equipped to explain these phenomena either. There are naturally also phenomena that are not based on a spiritual foundation. It isn’t always easy to explain these either, but they should not be confused with otherworldly MANIFESTATIONS. A producer of the Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens ZDF (German TV station) asked our otherworldly guide ELIAS if he could tell him what spook was all about.