Life after physical death

- 79 - home, he couldn’t get hold of the child until Monday. He drove to the farm early on Tuesday to collect the other child and then wrote the letter that reached the hands of the editor Luther Colby on Thursday that afternoon. Now if the whole affair had not been arranged between Mr. Colby and Dr. Andrews in order to create a hoax (something that is refuted by the fact that the doctor was not a spiritualist), there is no other explanation left but the one that the spirit of the Irishwoman did actually manifest through the medium in Boston. If one was able to wipe all hitherto facts of Spiritualism from the memory of people, one could reconstruct the structure of Spiritualism almost solely from the above narrated manifestation.” What conclusions can be drawn from the recited reports if one regards them as facts and not as inventions? – The human personality obviously remains viable beyond death. A new stage of life begins after the end of the terrestrial life and this in a differently constructed world that is not yet accessible to us. A new stage of development, a new period of training begins. Those that crossed over do however not immediately discard all the sensations of their past life and their feelings for the relatives they left behind. They sense their thoughts to some extent, feels their sadness and if this sadness is excessive, they feel depressed and drawn back to Earth. Now how should the bereaved behave when a close relative dies? One can only advise them to suppress all thoughts of desperation and in turn think thoughts of love and affection for the deceased and to wish the departed all the best for their further path through life. They should specifically direct their pleas in prayers to God, namely asking God to take care of the deceased, to send them companions and helpers along their further path through life and to make it possible for them to reunite with the deceased after their own terrestrial demise. One can create the prerequisites for this through one’s own appropriate way of life. One is well advised from desisting from all practices where one deliberately wants to make immediate contact with the deceased again, through which one want to emphatically call them back. This deviates them from their tasks of their new life and it hinders them in their progress. Here is an example: In July 1979, a married couple who had lost their 13 years old son in a tragic accident in May that year, got in contact with me. The mother was inconsolable about this and she hoped to make immediate contact with her child through me. The parents also participated numerous times at the meeting of the circle that I mentioned a number of times before. They could however not talk directly with their son, the controlling spirits advised them to pray for him. In regards to the reasons listed here; I urgently advised the mother against trying to make contact with her deceased child elsewhere. But I could not impress this upon her. As she had not succeeded through me, she tried to get in contact with her son via a tape recorder with the help of the so-called voice phenomenon. In the meantime, she called out to her son in a loud voice in his former room several times a day to ask him how he was, what he was presently doing and whether he was still thinking of her. She then hoped to receive an answer from him on the running tape recorder. She played the recorded noises back to me after some time had passed, they were incomprehensible to me, but she seemed to be able to concretely interpret them. I then seriously appealed to this mother’s conscience, I beseeched her to desist from constantly calling her son, I put it to her that his unexpected death and coping with living in another world would have to be difficult enough for him to deal with. She shouldn’t make his settling down even more difficult. I reproached her by asking her what the effects would be if a mother on Earth would constantly visit her child that had just started school, during its lessons only to ask how it fared or whether it needed anything. This would surely complicate the education of the child and interrupt the lessons. The situation was surely somewhat similar with her child. The mother listened to my admonitions silently and with a closed mind. She was certainly not impressed by what I had to say. She continued with her tape recording session for some time after.