Life after physical death

- 62 - happy people wave to me. Someone looks in on us from time to time. It is – I would like to say a ‘nurse’, to use a terrestrial expression. She has been entrusted with caring for me for a while. I am pleased that I have the terrestrial probation behind me and I know now that I have passed it well with her help. 2.) Received on the 13th of March 1963, 2pm. My condition is akin to somebody who awakes from a long and heavy dream. When one suddenly awakes from a heavy dream through a shock that comes from experiencing something lifethreatening, at the precise moment of deciding between life and death in favour of staying alive, one feels on awaking: Thank God that this was just a dream! This is how I feel now after awakening from the physical region. I have an inexpressible, deep feeling of joy. I would like to dress it in words: Thank God that it was just a dream, namely my terrestrial life with its toils and torments, physical and mental afflictions, worries and disappointments, wickedness and everything one could call unpleasantness. If this state of existence was it, that is to say, if only nothingness would embrace people after a few terrestrial years, the whole idea of the human existence would be a madness without equal. Creations of a brainless coincidence – a thought that was brainless, that somehow developed from the collusion between mechanical forces, forces that managed against all logical thought to set in motion a train of development whose final result was the human brain, a brain that could reach way beyond itself and its components to entertain the thought that a spiritual entity was assumed. It is my desire to convincingly expose the nonsense of the materialistic view of the world to you my dear Pastor, not just from the perspective of my experience based point of view, but from its irrationality. Well, I feel like a sleeper who awakes from a life-threatening dream the moment his existence is on the line. You cannot imagine the kind of sentience of life I now have. No worries, no physical handicaps and not to mention no feelings of illness or the slightest feelings of being unwell. And this in a world of attractions that surpass those on Earth by far. I have to delve a little into details in order to make things clear to you. I have always been a man of absolute conscientiousness. In my essays and books, I only passed on the things that I recognised as the undoubted reality. I also applied this to the messages you granted me to my questions through your locals – I must now say – my friends here. I compared these messages with depictions of other sources known to me and ascertained an extensive accordance with them. This is why the first book ‘How the dead live’ should be of impeccable scientific value. Something that troubled my scientific mind above everything else were the concepts of space and time. How can, demonstrated by logic, one space be contained within another; how can terrestrial time, based on the movements of celestial bodies, be virtually wiped away; how can a timeless existence even exist? I could not get past these difficult concepts. This is the main objection the sciences have against spiritual insights. It states: There is only one creation, the one that came into being in space and time, and it is the sciences’ assignment to explore it and to explain it. I only now discovered where the mistake in this point of view is. One thinks in terrestrial concepts of space and time, nothing else is actually possible. But here is space, but it is not of a terrestrial nature, that is to say, it is not of a limited cubic nature. One does not hit one’s head on a wall that one cannot get through. But this world of wonderful beauty and delightful loveliness is spread out in front of us just the same. But we immediately recognise that this world is a completely different world and it can never collide with the terrestrial world. We are the rulers here, that is to say, it doesn’t put a bridle on our will. We are as free as birds in the sky within certain rules and we can go wherever we want to go without the loss of time. The same applies to time. We do have tomorrow and yesterday here, but the feeling of impermanence has completely disappeared. There is therefore no mourning over lost happiness, over never to repeated hours and experiences of happiness. Our whole existence is virtually a continuous, happy experience. Timeless existence of God’s nature. This is the greatest surprise he keeps in readiness for his children, a surprise they can expect. And now a few details about my current experiences. My present body coincides exactly with the terrestrial that dissolved into its chemical components. This similarity is however only formal. It initially deals with appearance. When you come here, you will be able to instantly recognise me. Nothing changes in regards to character. Therefore, what constitutes the personality of a person remains untouched by death. The comparison of a terrestrial body and a garment that is removed is