Life after physical death

- 47 - Earth. I urgently warn you about this, because most of them (but not always) are offers from the negative side, because they can very easily adapt themselves to the soul that has just died. Spirit beings from the other side, something that I experienced later, can even pray with the deceased. These are things that have to be absolutely, clearly mentioned. Because as the deceased, you must recognise during your prayer to God, that the others from Lucifer’s side do under certain circumstances pray with you, but that these beings are from the wrong side in spite of this. In this state, wherein you are no longer people living on Earth, you have the ability to recognise who these entities around you are. All you have to do is to open up to God and to trust in your prayer. You must try to think as they think and to interpolate with their thoughts. You can do this in the world of the hereafter, because you shouldn’t have any disadvantages just because you have just died. It will then be possible for you to recognise any false play there is. But not all of you know that they can do this. Some allow themselves to be blinded and they then quickly fall prey to the other side. You can principally not be fooled if you keep an open mind and if you read the minds of the other spirit beings. But those that know nothing about life after death are much too surprised when they encounter this situation to be able to react accordingly. Besides, I did see my real parents again in the village where I arrived at later. Schiebeler : What language did you use and how did you pray at that time and how did you converse with the other spirit beings? Rexus : After my demise I still prayed in my own, terrestrial language, the way I had done on Earth when I wasn’t loudly praying in front of my community. The other spirit beings did then indeed talk to me in the fashion that I now still use when I talk. We do not converse with our mouth here, but with ‘waves’ that we send to one another, it is a lot faster than the way you can converse with each other. Something that takes you a quarter of an hour to express, can be said here in one minute. It goes very fast, but it isn’t strenuous. We no longer have terrestrial languages like Russian, German or English in our region here. Thoughts are exchanged here so that I can converse with a former Russian or Englishman and one can understand the other. Schiebeler : There are however reports from the hereafter that assert that terrestrial languages are still used in certain regions and that one has to also learn other foreign languages there. Have you ever come across something like this? Rexus : An Englishman once told me that he had been in a region where he couldn’t converse with other spirit entities with a different mother-tongue. But I didn’t believe this, because I have never come across it. After I had recognised the three false relatives through my prayer, I told them that I wanted nothing to do with them and that I was only willing to serve one Lord in the hereafter, the one I had served during my life on Earth, namely my own Lord. But that I wanted nothing to do with Lucifer, because I already believed in his existence during my life on Earth. I demanded that the three spirit beings should return to where they came from. The fact that somebody had recognised who they were was a shock to them and this made them quickly retreat, particularly because the five other spirit beings pushed themselves forward. These five, whom I hadn’t known during my terrestrial lifetime, told me that they belonged to the good side, to God’s side. They told me that, if I had no objections, they would take me to a kind of village where we could have a chat and where we could discuss the experience that I just had in more detail. I declared that I was more than happy to do so. My funeral was the last thing I attended and I subsequently distanced myself from the Earth very quickly and this because the five of us from our terrestrial group had promised ourselves whilst still alive, that we would not tie ourselves to people that we had loved on Earth, after our demise. We were indeed willing to still love them and to pray for them, but we would not encumber them through our connection to them. I don’t know why we were so sure about our point of view on Earth. Looking