Life after physical death

- 45 - will not be different for me compared to you, when I am once again engaged in this work with all its difficulties. I can then tell you how I fare. I know that my rest period has now ended and that I will once again begin to work. But I do like to do this. Schiebeler : Were you given an assignment or did you choose something yourself? Magdalena : Yes, yes, I would like to go back to where I stopped, to where I almost failed. Schiebeler : Where you stopped here on Earth? Magdalena : No, here. I already told you that I no longer dealt with children, but with the elderly and some of them are so obdurate that they refuse all help. They refuse to take one step forward and are either so mindless that nothing will shake them or so maleficent that they do not allow anyone near them. I can already mentally picture them before me. And when I think that I have finally found a point of reference with some of them so that I can talk to them, so that they finally wake up and participate, I have to discover the next time around, that everything starts all over again. We are therefore not dealing with patients that one can feel sorry for, but with entities that have caused their own problems; this might sound quite harsh! They find themselves in a state that only allows the behaviour that they put on display. Schiebeler : A state that was conditioned by their terrestrial life or also by their behaviour in the world of the hereafter? Magdalena : By their terrestrial life as well as their behaviour here. One doesn’t change from one day to the next. A lot of them simply refuse to accept that there is a life after death, that one can develop further and that one can approach others. But I also encountered beings that were well aware that they had died. But they are still earthbound and they gain great, mischievous pleasure in influencing people on Earth, to disturb them and to inspire fears in them. You cannot image how angry I get at times. But that is exactly the wrong thing to do. I must hold back and make it clear to them that the things they do and the damage they cause is terrible. Schiebeler : Can one actually talk to such entities? Magdalena : Well yes, but I have not succeeded so far. But the advising spirit entities have given me courage of late and told me that one can attract somebody once in a while and that their number will increase over time. I would also realise this. But one had to equip oneself with lots of patience. I had to forget the idea that something like this could be achieved from one day to the next. If this was the case, we would only have vainglorious sunshine here and that this assertion was rather naïve. Schiebeler : Have you managed to find out how long ago you left this Earth, when you could have died? Magdalena : The memory about it fades more and more. I think that it must have been around 80 years ago that I died. In order to lend support to the timespan involved, Magdalena answers to certain questions that she had never seen electric light during her lifetime, but that she had heard about it. Kerosine lamps had been in use in her village in those days. She had indeed seen a train, but she had never been on one, because everyone in her region was afraid of it. Magdalena then continues: Magdalena : I had eight children that I loved very much, like a mother loves her children. I died after my husband and I were fairly old, certainly around 80 years. The time had come for me to go. But I did unfortunately not see my husband after I died, even though I dearly wanted to. I haven’t given up this wish and I am completely confident. I would dearly like to know how he is, because we understood one another very well. I have not yet heard about where he could be. Schiebeler : Did he not collect you after your death? Did somebody actually welcome you? Magdalena : Indeed, I was picked up. There was a friendly figure that picked me up. We called such a helper a guardian angel in those days. I died a peaceful death. I was ill at the time and I can see myself lying in my room again, even though I do not like to conjure up these images, because my whole family was crowding the room trying to hold me back. All of them sobbed and cried. This is not a pleasant memory, because I had already got to the point where I realised that my life was done. I was completely exhausted , because my life had been a strenuous life. And they still didn’t want to let go of me. This really kept hold of me. I had been lying in my sickbed for a long time and had wanted to die some time ago. There comes a time when enough is enough. I was not afraid of death and I had already seen this welcoming entity before