Chapter 6 - Messages from the good World of Spirit concerning religious questions

- 9 - Obviously, God who knows His creatures inside out, can say in all probability what course they will decide upon, and we spirits also have this faculty to a great degree. Even you mortals, if you know the character of a fellow creature, are able to predict with reasonable certainty how he will behave and decide in this or that case. But all of this is mere conjecture, and is not the point at issue. I was speaking of an infallibly certain foreknowledge of a decision that depends on the exercise of free will. • Such unerring foreknowledge is possessed by no spirit, not even by God Himself. Hence, God could not foresee that some or a great many of the spirits He had created would forsake Him, and naturally could not know in advance which of them would do so. He knew only that there was a possibility of such defection, by reason of the fact that the spirits were free to act as they might choose. Had God had the positive foreknowledge, as your doctrines teach, that beings which He had created would abuse their liberty of action by deserting Him, He would not have created them at all, but would have created only such of whose loyalty He could be certain. There are two other grave errors in the concept of God entertained by your creeds, and of these I shall speak only briefly here, because they will be discussed at greater length on another occasion. You teach of the union of three persons in one Godhead, You maintain that there are three spirits, each of which is a true Deity, but which, when united, constitute only one God. This is human madness and the greatest absurdity. • There is no union of three persons and no Trinity in the sense in which you teach it. God is only a single personality. Only the Father is God. All other holy spirits are God’s creatures. None of them is the Father’s equal. Furthermore, you teach a God who inflicts eternal punishment and you teach of an everlasting hell. • Hell is not everlasting. God is love. He does not condemn any creature eternally. All those who have incurred the guilt of deserting Him will ultimately return unto Him. That is the truth, as I shall prove to you on another occasion.