Chapter 6 - Messages from the good World of Spirit concerning religious questions

- 10 - 6. 3 God’s Creation and Its Fate (Indoctrination from the SPHERES of LIGHT) But Thou hast ordered all things in measure and number and weight. For Thou canst show Thy great strength at all times when Thou wilt. (Wisdom 11: 20-21) God is spirit, and everything created by Him is spirit. It was in His image that He called into existence spirit beings in numbers so vast that no figures devised by man can even begin to express them. In what manner the infinitely great and almighty God created the spirit world is something that you as a mortal could not understand, if I tried to explain it. Knowledge of this is not necessary to man and is of no value to the good of his soul. It is sufficient for him to know how he stands with regard to God’s Creation; from this he may learn why he was placed on earth and what tasks he has to fulfill during his stay here. To teach you these things is the purpose of what I am about to tell you of the Creation. God did not create the spirit world at one stroke. God is the great Creator Who, by observance of laws conceived with infinite wisdom, out of little things makes large ones, out of one makes many, out of a single seed produces the tree out of whose billions of seeds new trees grow, who builds up the family, not by calling parents and children into existence simultaneously, but by first creating the parents and endowing them with the power of reproduction, so that in time the family may grow through the birth of the offspring, and out of this family new ones may arise without limit. God proceeded in the same way with His spirit Creation. Every law that you find on earth exists in the spirit world also. I have told you this repeatedly and insistently and shall emphasize it once more, because it is the basic truth underlying all knowledge of the Beyond, whether you believe it or reject it with a derisive smile as unbelievable. So, you may shake your head in disbelief when I tell you that the law of reproduction through the union of male and female, which prevails in all of nature on earth and with all living things, must and does apply to the same extent in spirit Creation. Matter is merely the incarnation of the spirit and, hence, merely another state of the spirit, in which the spirit laws are not abrogated, but applied in a way adapted to matter. Just as in material Creation there are males and females in every species, so too there are male and female spirits in the spirit Creation. There are as many male spirits as there are females, a female spirit being allotted to each male, according to God’s law. They are perfectly mated and find their greatest personal happiness in complementing each other and in their faithful collaboration in the task that God has assigned to them. • Such spirit couples created for each other are known as ‘duals’, a term intended to express: ‘two who belong together.’ Sirach 33: 15: ‘So look upon all the works of the Highest; always there are two and two (=couples), one belonging to the other.’ These are the marriages that were made in heaven. • No one but God is exempt from this pairing of male and female. This law thus also applies to the ‘Son of God’ who was the first being to be created by God and whom you call ‘Christ’.