Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 164 - although she was unconscious, he said: “Fold your hands and pray: ‘Lord Jesus, help me!’ We have long enough witnessed the doings of the Devil; now we want to see what Jesus can do!” After a few moments the girl awoke and in prayer repeated the words; to the great astonishment of all present, her cramps ceased. This was, according to Blumhardt’s own admission, the turning point of his life. For the next few hours, the patient was left in peace, but then the cramps returned more violently than ever. Again, Blumhardt had her repeat the plea: “Lord Jesus, help me.” Again, the cramps ceased at once. Later, when Blumhardt visited her again, she exhibited new symptoms. The sick woman flew into a rage at his appearance and struck at him, without, however, actually touching him. Finally, she beat the bed with her hands, and it looked as though some spiritual force were radiating from her fingertips. This lasted for some time, after which she became calm again. Her relief, however, was of short duration. Presently sounds like finger tapping were heard all around her, and she received a sudden blow on the chest that caused her to sink down backwards. She also saw the female figure she had seen at her former lodging, and this time Gottliebin revealed the apparition’s name to the clergyman. It was a widow who had died a few years previously and whom Blumhardt remembered well from his pastoral activities. While she was alive she had been in low spirits, seeking peace and not finding it. Thereupon Blumhardt began to pray loudly and spoke the name of Jesus. Immediately Gottliebin rolled her eyes and flung her hands apart, while a voice was heard that was at once recognizable as a foreign one, not so much because of its sound as because of the expressions used and the tenor of the remarks. It cried: “I cannot bear to hear that name.” Everyone present shuddered. Blumhardt relates: “I had never before heard anything of the kind and silently appealed to God for wisdom and caution. Finally, I asked: ‘Can you find no peace in the grave?’ The voice answered: ‘No.’ – Question: ‘Why not?’ – Answer: ‘It is the punishment for my sins. I murdered two children and buried them in the field.’ – Question: ‘Do you know of no way in which you can be helped? Can you not pray?’ –