Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 165 - Answer: ‘I cannot pray.’ – Question: ‘Do you know Jesus, who pardons sins?’ – Answer: ‘I cannot bear to hear that name.’ – Question: ‘Are you alone?’ – Answer: ‘No.’ – Question: ‘Who is with you?’ – There was a short pause; then, in a sudden burst the voice said: ‘The worst of them all.’ The speaker now accused herself of witchcraft, by which she was bound to the Devil.. She said that she had already departed out of Gottliebin seven times, but would do so no more. I asked whether I might pray for her, to which she consented after some hesitation. I told her that she could not remain in Gottliebin’s body, upon which she at first seemed to plead sadly, but quickly assumed a defiant attitude. I, however, commanded her to depart, whereupon Gottliebin beat the bed violently with her hands. Then she was free again.” Some days later the possession returned. Soon it seemed as though hundreds of demons were departing from her in regular relays, and each time the woman’s face would change and assume a new threatening expression toward Blumhardt. It also happened that the men who accompanied the clergyman were pushed about and struck with fists without being able to see who was hitting them. Blumhardt himself was immune, for, as the demons said, they were not allowed to touch him. At such times Gottliebin would tear her hair, beat her breast, strike her head against the wall, and do what she could to injure herself. It seemed as though these scenes were becoming more and more terrifying and as though Blumhardt’s intervention was only making matters worse. Blumhardt writes: “What I suffered at that time in mind and soul,” he says, “cannot be described in words.” “My longing to put an end to the matter grew from day to day. Although I could leave her with satisfaction each time, as I felt that the demonic power had to comply, and as the patient was quite normal, nevertheless the sinister power appeared always to gather fresh strength, as though it hoped in the end to enmesh me in a great labyrinth and thus to harm and ruin both me and my effectiveness in my post as a clergyman. All of my friends urged me to stop, but I was horrified to think of what would happen to the woman if I withdrew my help from her, or of how everyone would hold me responsible, if it should turn out badly. I felt myself in a web, from which I could not escape without danger to myself and others by merely giving up the struggle. Besides, I frankly admit that I would have been ashamed in my own eyes and before my Saviour, to whom I prayed so often, to whom I confided so many things, and who had given me so many proofs of his help, had I given in to the Devil. Who is the Master here? I was often forced to ask myself. Trusting in him who is the Master, I again and again heard a voice within me: Forward! It must come to a good end, though we descend to the deepest depths, unless it was not true that Jesus has crushed the serpent’s head with his heel.” The condition in which it seemed as though demons were departing from her grew more frequent. At the same time other uncanny phenomena occurred and even became physically perceptible. Thus, one night, while Gottliebin was asleep, she felt her throat clutched by a burning hand, which left behind large burn marks. Before her aunt, who was sleeping in the same room, could strike a light, filled blisters already encircled her whole throat. The doctor, who came the following morning, was dumbfounded at this occurrence.