The key to the TRUTH

- 3 - Preface (By Paul Ferdinand Hagemeister, Senior Lecturer, Berlin) The major part of the material formulated by the psycho-scientific research group is unfortunately out of print. This is a great disadvantage to our friends and all searchers, because the basic, meaningful TRUTH is and would remain unknown to them. This presentation will try to remedy this situation by offering extracts from the already out of print TRUTH-MATERIAL. May this contribute towards the necessary self-realisation and existence- realisation that will help us develop further spiritually. Those that genuinely seek find out how the divine TRUTH here on Earth has been maliciously falsified, garbled and misinterpreted since the phenomenon on Mount Sinai through human wishful thinking, philosophical thought processes, belief in miracles and fantasies. Mistakes and untruths still triumph this very day. I express my deepest gratitude for the HELP and SUPPORT from our supernatural and extraterrestrial SPIRIT TEACHERS, HELPERS from the divine SPHERES and my personal GUARDIAN ANGEL. May GOD’S LIGHT enter all hearts so that the TRUTH can penetrate to benefit and to bring salvation to all human beings. Paul Ferdinand Hagemeister Medialer Friedenskreis, Berlin (Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin)