The key to the TRUTH

- 51 - amongst those in responsible position, with its associated inability to create harmony, peace, freedom, humanness and justice within the human community here on Earth, is evidence of the severest spiritual backwardness that cannot be found anywhere else throughout the universe as far as we know. This is why millions of people continue to ask a question that is disquieting their conscience: “What is the TRUTH?” - Only the CREATOR of the cosmos can give the answer through HIS REALM of the SPIRIT, through HIS PLENIPOTENTIARIES. Man’s God-given FREE WILL solely decides over the question of acceptance or rejection of the divine TRUTH. People should however consider the SIXTH DEMAND and the SEVENTH DEMAND of the LAW of HEAVEN here that state: “Utilise the LOGOS when experiencing difficulties and turn away from the advice of your advisors and enemies, because they equally wait for your downfall.” “Do not trust your senses, because only your soul is capable of making the ultimate decision, GOD helps you do so and nothing else can.” Dear brothers and sisters and nations on Earth, let us to live with one another in peace, freedom and friendship. Let us help and support, LOVE and respect and honour one another from the heart and not look for differences. Let us think and act humanely, faithfully, justly and selflessly. May all the despots and all the people on Earth be guided by the LIGHT of the divine TRUTH to gain TRUTH-AWARENESS and SELF-AWARENESS! May peace reign on Earth and throughout the universe across all frontiers! May the LIGHT shine in the heart of all human beings! Let us always remember and never forget that we as human beings, without one single exception, should be GOD’S true children and that we owe HIM eternal gratitude. PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS! Paul Ferdinand Hagemeister Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin