UFO-Contacts - Part 1

34 medium has hardly an opportunity to contemplate the text it receives. Grammatical mistakes are sometimes made and they have to be corrected later on. Question : What guarantees do you have that you are not being hoaxed? Leader : The writing medium is familiar with the slightest movement made by the spirit GUIDE. The medium has been used by the same GUIDE over a thousand times. Any alien interference is immediately noticed by the very capable medium. The spirit GUIDE’S high ethics and verified trust is the absolute guarantee for the genuineness of every contact, spiritual as well as extraterrestrial. Question : What guarantee exists in regards to extraterrestrial telepathy? Leader : We are monitored by the realm of the spirit day and night. If a mistake or a hoax would find its way in, the spirit GUIDE, respectively the CONTROLLING SPIRIT, would enlighten us during the séance. All telepathic messages have also been confirmed by our spirit GUIDANCE up to now. (Comment: We do not publish unconfirmed messages.) Question : Why don’t the SANTINER give us physical evidence? Leader : We put this question to the SANTINER. They categorically reject these types of deliveries. The SANTINER are of the opinion that the delivery of an object would only make things difficult for us. Government departments and people in powerful position could attack and persecute us in a most vile manner. Attacks by the press are also not to be underestimated. The SANTINER are smart enough to know that they have to use an approved channel for their messages. Question : Why are the ASHTAR SHERAN MESSAGES not officially printed, respectively disseminated worldwide? Leader : Financial means are lacking. The editions are not large enough and this makes printing expensive. UFO-Contact November 1963 The technology of UFOS has up to now been at the forefront of the world’s interest, particularly because we are now undertaking our own space explorations. The abrogation of gravity and the locomotion displayed by UFOS are an enigma one would like to solve. One is unfortunately not prepared to acknowledge UFO occupants as the messengers of a divine MISSION, even though the Bible explicitly indicates this. Our space exploration endeavours will probably clarify things in this respect and proclaim a completely new era of spiritual enlightenment. The shape of UFOS has nothing to do with our Earth’s atmosphere. UFOS do not glide on air, they do not fly. UFOS neither have a bow nor a stern, they also do not have wings or a tail. Only the larger spaceships make an exception here. It is certainly not true that the disk spins whilst it is in motion. Only the atmosphere around it gyrates. The disk-shaped body allows an instant change in any direction.