UFO-Contacts - Part 1

33 Question : Was Adamski really on board a spaceship? A. S. : No, he was inspired by SPIRIT BEINGS from the intermediate spheres, even though he neither believes in spirit inspiration nor in spiritual processes. He does however imagine that we telepathically talk to him. I do however emphasise that he is not materialistically minded. One can therefore not call him a consciously aware liar. But he is mentally not quite there. He is unknowingly a medium for the world of the hereafter. He cannot objectively assess his own condition. ALL that are capable of opening his spiritual DOOR will use him. He should also not be a chain smoker, because this would be beneficial for his condition. We endeavour very hard to unite Earth with GOD’S realm of the stars. We participate in a MISSION designed to integrate the Earth into the SPHERES of HARMONY. This however requires all of our energy. We do however have the certainty that we will succeed – and this is why we continue to work indefatigably in spite of lots of setbacks . GOD’S PLAN must be realised. I thank you for your endeavours to recapitulate my words in a brochure. Even though the process is somewhat primitive, the truth will gradually find its way to the people on Earth. 3 Your research is part of the plan; with all its successes and also all its failures. UFO-Contact October 1963 Question : How do you make contact with the BROTHERS from the STARS? Leader : We have two contact opportunities: Through a writing medium and also through a kind of clairaudience that we call extraterrestrial telepathy. To conjure up the presence of the BROTHERS from the STARS, they call themselves SANTINER, is impossible. We cannot send for them. This is the reason why we have to await for contacts. They come of their own accord . The appointment for a future contact is conveyed to us during a spiritualistic séance. Question : How does the writing contact take place? Leader : The spirit guide ARGUN takes control by writing through the medium on behalf of the SANTINER most of the time. It has however happened that a SANTINER utilised the medium directly. The medium clearly feels the change if this is the case. The type face also changes completely. Question : How does the telepathic contact take place? Leader : This is far more difficult. It isn’t announced a priory, it takes place spontaneously , most of the time after we have already started with our spiritual work. The medium is suddenly called upon. Telepathy is clearly different from one’s own thoughts. It is a coercive energy that can hardly be ignored. The reception takes place very rapidly. The 3 See our new publication: ETERNAL TRUTH.