UFO-Contacts - Part 1

16 In order to correctly understand ASHTAR SHERAN’S existence one can only direct people’s attention to a text in the Bible that represents a parallel. The Old Testament points out that ANGELS talked to the prophets. These ANGELS were however not always ASTRAL BEINGS, they were completely materialised in some cases. These ANGELS entered the house of Lot and they warned him and his wife. They sat with him and lived in his house. – We now hear from the SANTINER that they belong with these ANGELS of PEACE and that they too can materialise at any time, if the circumstances allow it. As incredible as this may seem, it is an already verified biblical fact. The SANTINER message is therefore rated higher than all inspirations or telepathy, because it represents an absolutely reliable message, one that is monitored by the spiritual WORLD. The SANTINER are authorised speakers within the divine PLAN. They are one voice of the HOLY SPIRIT, because they entertain constant contact with GOD’S HIERARCHY, the way CHRIST was connected with the SOURCE of the TRUTH. The words spoken by ASHTAR SHERAN might as well be CHRIST’S words, because they stem from the same SOURCE of the TRUTH. • The HOLY SPIRIT is not a person, but an astral ORGANISATION of GOD. The SANTINER verify GOD’S existence. UFO-Contact August 1962 There are unfortunately a lot of people with the opinion that the things written in the Bible do not concur with the truth. This is however the generalisation of an unmindful prejudice. The Bible does indeed contain lots of aberrations, dogmas and false assessments and there are also plenty of out and out lies in it. Fantasy can also be added to this and it has been animated into specific activities through religious ecstasy. • But a lot of passages in the Bible are particularly precious and above everything else true, even though they were depicted completely differently through ignorance. Biblical phenomena lack the correct assessment. One has not been capable of correcting these false assessments over the last millennia. People on their own would not be able to do this if they do not have a HIGHER INTELLIGENCE at their side for such a rectification. This HIGHER INTELLIGENCE is found with the SANTINER; those brothers from the stars that want to guide us onto a positive path of development. We were able to solve many of the fairytale-like passages from the Bible with their help. Beyond that we received elucidations and indoctrinations that show the whole universe and all life in it in a completely different light. The world of the hereafter also participates. There are influential people who still doubt the existence of our brothers from the stars in spite of these eminent revelations. These people are not content to only stick with their own doubts, they do everything they can to transfer them to the rest of mankind . We do not conjure up these revelations, we receive them in a fashion that is completely normal for