UFO-Contacts - Part 1

15 Anyway, we owe the SANTINER a gratitude for their valuable elucidations. We could certainly not have found these types of disclosures and explanations for many miracles without the co-operation of these people from the stars. • We found out from them for instance that sunspots are thermic holes created by whirlwinds within the suns blazing bubble; hollow inside with a star at its centre. 1 As fantastic as this explanation may seem, it has found additional confirmation: Two German researchers, Dr. Bruzek from the Fraunhofer Institute in Freiburg and Dr. Pfotzer from the Max- Plank Institute for Stratosphere Physics in Lindau (Harz) published their sunspot measurements. They ascertained that these strange sunspots were thermally colder than the rest of the sun’s surface. This clearly indicates that the SANTINER do not present us with fairytales – and beyond everything else, that they are not imaginary people, but that they actually exist. Besides, bubbles are not against the laws of nature and it matters not whether they are large or small. As experience tells us that contact with the SANTINER have been advantageous between the months of May to July , we confidently hoped that we would again receive precious messages this year also. Unless we are mistaken, we will publish these messages immediately. UFO-Contact July 1962 Even though unscrupulous profiteers have tried to exploit the UFO problem for their own gains, they cannot influence the urgency and the truth of the facts. There is a whole series of authors who try to sell their wares with the help of acceptable fiction, that is to say, with their own imagination dressed up as the truth. There are also politically motivated people that utilise the UFO problem in order to emphasise their own ideas. All of these are emergences that also take place in all other fields of knowledge. • It has always been apparent that the truth is attacked the most and that it also mistrusted the most. The severity with which one tries to get rid of the UFO problem is the best possible evidence for the absolute existence of extraterrestrial spaceships. If one has the kind of intimate contact that we have with the people of these extraterrestrial spaceships, one might be able to imagine the impact all these attacks and railleries have on us. It is akin to someone having a severe illness, but hardly talks about it, because no one understands him. On the contrary – his suffering is called imagination and the patient is derided. Over the last few days and weeks we have been particularly busy with UFO contacts once again. Our recent communications, that is to say, the processing and the dissemination amongst people of goodwill throughout the world, had a profound effect. The words from ASHTAR SHERAN go right to the heart of our world situation. They are not really a criticism of the position we are in, but rather an accurate assessment of what’s basically wrong. Without the knowledge of the factual causes, no changes can be expected. ASHTAR SHERAN makes some very accurate assessments this year also. The time has come to finally take his words serious , because they simultaneously show us the way to a better future. 1 Published in the brochure “Not from this Earth Part 3”.