The Great Encounter

- 83 - I fought on the side of GOD. - The OTHERS fought on the side of Satan. - But I was involved in a feud that could only be fought with mental WEAPONS and no earthly soul could get a real picture of its dimensions. It was a feud full of supernatural, telepathic dialogue, a mental battle without equal. If I didn’t want to perish in the process, I just couldn’t loose. Tremendous powers had assailed me. A defeat would also have meant a defeat for GOD. This thought alone was unbearable. This is why I fought this demonic world in a way that cannot be described with one syllable. In this monstrous Faustian drama, I was exposed as a living being to the furies of hell and this all by myself and they took advantage of my physical weakness in trying to defeat me. I just didn’t have any energy to withstand this onslaught. I was the most serious situation I ever had to face. All of this took place without the world around me able to notice hardly anything. What was a confer- ence of nations or the dangers of war compared to this monstrous, infernal feud between these super- natural giants of GOOD and evil? And the supernatural voices did actually call my special attention to this mental battle: “THIS BATTLE IS A RELIGIOUS EVENT THAT NO PERSON LIVING ON EARTH CAN EVALUATE. - NOT EVEN YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO GRASP THE SIZE OF THIS CONTROVERSY, NOR TO BELIEVE IN IT. WE ARE DEALINGWITH AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL EVENT, ONE THAT ONLY FINDS A SMALL COMPARISON IN THE “BOOK OF JOB”. YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT AND ONLY THINK OF DEMONS AND GHOSTS. BUT YOU COMMIT A GRAVE ERROR OF JUDGMENT HERE, BE- CAUSE YOU ARE NOW INVOLVED IN A CONTENTION BETWEEN GOD AND THE DEVIL. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE NOT DEALING WITH A REPRE- SENTATIVE OF THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT ANGEL, BUT EXCLUSIVELY WITH HIS MAJESTY HIMSELF.” Well, unclean souls from the hereafter love to lie. But who is going to control and judge, whether they have lied? - My fight was certainly not inferior to any possession that has ever afflicted anybody: I used to count my heartbeats at night, from one to a thousand and over again just so I didn’t have to listen to this terrible jeering. This isn’t written in the Holy Scripture and in spite of this, the prophets must have experienced it just the same. Maybe Martin Luther simply omitted it? I tried everything to get the better of this eerie spook. Well, I exposed myself to ridicule, because I tried every possible sign and incantation: I made the sign of the cross with my hand to all points of the compass, drew magic circles around me and uttered prayers all the time I was doing so. I went to Church and prayed with ardour. Sometimes, when the Church was closed, I cooled my sweaty forehead on the cold Church door. But Satan came with me to Church. He didn’t shy away from kneeling with me at the altar … The Prince of Darkness was not going to be intimidated by any prayer. But his answers were not as simple minded and stereotypical as I was accustomed to from the other, lowly souls. I was dealing with an unbelievable INTELLIGENCE here and it refuted everything, and I mean everything I had to offer. I consider Goethe to be the greatest poet that ever lived on Earth. His poems, his “Faust” are a veritable treasure trove of successful verses. A wrenching, burning pain had developed on top of my head and it couldn’t be influenced by any medication. My doctor, aware and convinced of my clairaudience, thought that because of my intensive