Spiritualism versus Spiritism

34  Religious dreamers demand the greatest of humility, the greatest of FAITH in GOD, the greatest LOVE from their fellow man, but are not willing to make their own positive changes . They look upon themselves as chosen ones , because they are “GOD’S instruments” and GOD must therefore be completely happy with them. They lose all objectivity in this insanity and fall prey to the sinister forces, which reassure them in their oh so agreeable craving for recognition. These mediums and their followers cause mischief and they might just end up in a lunatic asylum! I know of one case - one of many - I will hint at: There are religious dreamers who believe to have been called upon by GOD to perform great deeds. They allow themselves to be duped by reincarnations and they believe to have been CHRIST in a past life. They believe in the witchcraft of karmically encumbered mediums who transmit positive and negative messages wantonly jumbled up. Some people allow themselves to be completely dominated by mediums, like for instance the tsar of Russia in times gone by. Some people have a powerful psychic disposition and it affects their environment in an extremely dangerous and destructive way; because with their psychic ability they listen to words from a different world - it is the lower region of the hereafter in theses instances - one strongly believes in them. All who warn are correct in this case.  Do not rely on messages that enhance the craving for recognition! 13. Questions and answers to this theme Question :What are the reasons why spiritualism receives so little recognition? AREDOS :The divine TRUTH has the absolute right of scientific recognition and care; but fanaticism furthers the cause of superstition, thereby making the TRUTH unbelievable and ridiculous. This is the basic problem with this humanity and the greatest service afforded and possibly afforded to the mighty, but negative angel Lucifer.  Fanaticism is devoid of all logic and doesn’t allow anything else to hold sway. Question :What drastic means can be applied in order to convince mankind about life after death? AREDOS : The most common assertion is that nobody has ever returned from the hereafter.  Ghosts verify the opposite! Millions of people on Earth experience the spontaneous appearance of departed friends and relatives. Most of them do not talk about it, because they know that they will only be laughed at or felt sorry for. Much more convincing are the demons of lower souls, who